Page 61 of Rescuing Sophia

I laugh weakly. “Something like that. Thanks again.”

I hurry past, the weight of their gazes heavy on my back. Outside, the fresh air does little to calm my nerves.

The flip phone buzzes. I answer with shaking hands.

“Are you out?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Took long enough,”Malfor snarls.“Get to the HR building. Now.”

I scan the sprawling Guardian HQ campus. The HR building sits at the far end, impossibly distant.

A row of golf carts catches my eye. I approach one, Blake’s badge still clutched in my hand from earlier. Without thinking, I swipe it over the cart’s sensor. It chirps to life, the display lighting up. I hop in, my movements jerky with unease.

I shove Blake’s badge deep into my pocket and grip the steering wheel.

The cart hums beneath me as I set off, buildings blurring past—the training center, the mess hall, the dormitories. Agents and staff move about their day, oblivious to the betrayer in their midst. Each familiar face I pass is another knife twist in my gut.

I park at the HR building, its imposing facade looming over me. I’ve only been here once before—Blake took me to get my badge.

Taking a deep breath, I square my shoulders and approach the entrance. Before I step inside, I pull out the phone.

“I’m at HR,” I whisper.

“Good,”Malfor’s voice is cold.“We’re going to clone that badge.”

“Clone it?”

“Yes, you idiot. We’re going to copy Blake’s access onto your badge. It’ll be in their server room. You should know how to do this by now.”

“Okay.” His arrogance and cruelty make me flinch.

Inside, a bored receptionist looks up. “Can I help you?”

“I-I need to update my employee information,” I stammer, forcing a smile.

“Down there. Forms are on the desk.” She waves vaguely toward a hallway.

I head in the direction she indicates. Once out of sight, I scan for stairs. The server room must be in the basement, like before.

I find a stairwell and descend, each step heavy with dread. The basement is quiet and dim. I wander, searching for anything that looks like a server room.

There—a heavy door with a card reader. I pull out Blake’s badge, swiping it with trembling fingers.


Another swipe of the badge. Green light. The lock disengages. I slip inside, surrounded once again by humming machines and blinking lights. My heart races as I pull out the phone.

“I’m in the server room,” I whisper.

“About time.”Malfor’s tone is sharp, impatience dripping from every word.“Find a terminal. I’ll give you the code to input. This will prepare the system for the clone.”

My vision blurs as I stare at the screen, the characters swimming before my eyes. How long have we been at this? Minutes? Hours? Time seems to stretch and warp around me.

My shoulders ache from tension, and my fingers cramp from the careful keystrokes. Each mistake sends a jolt of panic through me, and Malfor’s impatience is a constant threat.

“I-I’m sorry,” I stammer after another error. “Let me try again.”