“We need what’s in that safe,” I say. “It’s got intel on God knows how many others.”
“Do it fast.” Ethan activates his comms. “All units, listen up. We’ve got a new development. Carter’s four missing girls are on the yacht, sequestered somewhere below. Gabe and Hank abandon the bridge and prioritize locating those girls. Alpha, assist as able. Time is critical, people. Move out.”
After weeks of dead ends and false leads, I finally have a chance at saving those girls. My heart races with excitement, but my mind remains focused.
As a detective, I understand the gravity of what’s in that safe. The information could be critical to rescuing so many other girls.
We can’t afford to leave it behind. I trust the team to find the missing girls. They’re the best at what they do and won’t disappoint me. I turn my attention to Sophia.
“Show us the safe. Quick.”
Sophia leads us to a massive abstract painting that probably sells for more than I make in a year. Blake and I carefully remove it, revealing a sleek, high-tech safe built into the wall.
“Shit.” Blake’s eyes widen as he examines the safe. “Retinal scanner. We can’t crack this.”
“Maybe we can.” I glance at the unconscious man on the floor, an idea forming in my head.
“Do it.” Ethan nods grimly, understanding dawning on his face.
Blake and I move to the unconscious man. On Ethan’s signal, we grip his arms and hoist him up. His body is dead weight, his limbs flopping like spaghetti, and it takes all our strength to maneuver him.
“Christ, he’s heavy,” Blake grunts as we awkwardly maneuver the body toward the safe.
We prop him up against the wall, his head lolling to one side. Ethan grimaces as he gently pries open the man’s eyelid with his thumb and forefinger.
“Little more.” Ethan struggles, trying to angle the man’s head toward the scanner, but nothing happens. “Shit. Blake, hold his other eye open.”
Blake complies, his face a mask of concentration. We must look ridiculous—three grown men wrestling with an unconscious body like some macabre puppet.
“Steady.” Ethan tries to position the man’s face as I bear the brunt of the man’s weight.
The scanner beeps once, twice, then flashes green. A soft hiss sounds as the seal breaks.
We lower the man back to the floor, and I turn to the safe. Inside, we find stacks of documents, hard drives, and bundles of cash.
“Holy shit.” I flip through pages of names, dates, and locations.
“Grab it all.” Ethan’s eyes harden as he surveys the contents. “Every last scrap.”
The scale of this operation is bigger than I ever imagined.
A crackle comes through the comms. “Gabe here. We found all four girls. They’re in rough condition, but alive.”
Relief floods through me.
We have Jenna.
We have the girls.
We have intel.
This mission is turning out better than I dared to hope.
“Good job,” Ethan replies. “Get them ready for extraction.”
“Copy that,” Gabe responds.
“Exfil in five,” Ethan’s voice crackles over the comm. “Wrap it up. Let’s move. Time to get out of here.”