We stuff everything into waterproof bags.
“There are thumb drives and external drives—you need to take those, too.” Sophia points to the desk.
We sweep through the room, gathering every scrap of potential evidence. It’s a goldmine of information, and I can only imagine what it will reveal about the scope of this operation.
“Rigel,” Ethan speaks into his comm, “status on the engines?”
“Almost there.”Rigel’s voice returns through the comms. Seconds later, the vibrations from the engines stop.“Disabled. This yacht isn’t going anywhere.”
“Good. Meet us at the stern.”
Gunfire erupts from above.
“Time to go.” Ethan makes a circling gesture, telling us to wrap things up. Blake grabs Sophia, and Ethan grabs the waterproof bags full of the safe’s contents. I fold Jenna into my arms.
“No.” She tucks her head beneath my chin, hugging me tight. “But I trust you.”
“Stay close.” I take her hand and place it on my belt at the small of my back. “Don’t let go.”
We move through the yacht, our progress slower now with Jenna and Sophia. As we near the deck, we encounter two more guards. This fight is quicker, our urgency lending speed to our blows.
Finally, we emerge onto the rear deck and swim platform. The night air is thick with salt spray and tension. Our inflatable boatbobs below. Bravo team closes in and continues to provide cover from their position away from the boat.
Moments later, the other four members of Charlie team arrive with the four missing teenagers. The girls are beaten, battered, and bruised, their eyes wide with fear, filled with a glimmer of hope, yet they’re also in shock, their expressions vacant and bodies trembling.
Alpha team appears next, moving with precision and urgency.
We gather at the stern, the two RIBs waiting below, barely able to contain our numbers.
“Max, you take the four girls.” Ethan gives commands. “It’s going to be cramped, but we need to get everyone out safely.”
“Ladies first.” I help Jenna and then Sophia into the boat.
Once they’re safely aboard, the rest of us follow. I keep Jenna close, trying to shield her from the wind and spray. Blake does the same for Sophia.
The teenagers are helped into the second RIB, and Alpha team ensures they’re as comfortable as possible given the circumstances.
“Go, go, go!” Ethan yells once we’re all onboard.
The engines roar to life, and we speed away from the yacht. Bravo team’s RIB pulls up alongside Alpha team’s boat.
“We’ve got space if you need it.” Brady’s voice carries over the noise of the waves and the engines. Two of the men from Alpha team transfer over.
As we head toward the shore, I allow myself a moment to breathe. I look down at Jenna, huddled against my chest. Her eyes meet mine, filled with exhaustion, relief, and something else—something that makes my heart skip a beat.
“I knew you’d find me.” Her voice is barely audible over the roar of the engine and the splash of waves. I tighten my grip and take a breath.
She’s safe.
The shore looms ahead, and the lights of emergency vehicles are visible even from this distance. As we near the beach, several figures wait for us: Guardian HRS personnel and local law enforcement.
We slow as we approach the shallows. The moment the bottomof the boat scrapes against the sand, I scoop Jenna into my arms and leap into the knee-deep water. Behind me, there are splashes as the others follow suit.
Paramedics rush to meet us, blankets at the ready.
Not paramedics but medical personnel from Guardian HRS. Skye Summers takes Jenna from my arms.