I’d been in Florence for almost a week doing shit for Uncle Fausto.
Ever since Dario had gone to jail, Fausto had gotten paranoid that the government might be tapping our phones and monitoring our emails. So every month, somebody had to go deliver messages and cash to the guys who bribed our network of judges and cops in Florence.
Since I was low man on the totem pole, that job usually fell to me.
During the day, I met with our guys and had a few meetings with people who worked for the Agrellas – theCosa Nostrafamily who ran all the street-level shit in Florence, like drugs and prostitution.
At night, I partied.
Sometimes with people in our own organization; sometimes with lower-level dudes in the Agrella family; and sometimes just with guys I knew from years of going to Florence.
The one thing I stayed away from on this trip was girls.
I didn’t hit up any of my regular booty calls when I came to town.
I didn’t go up to any hot chicks in the clubs.
And if a girl came over and talked to me, I’d be like,Sorry, tonight I’m just hanging with my friends.
One of my buddies noticed and asked me what the fuck was going on.
“Just not feelin’ it,” I yelled back over the music.
“What thefuck?!”he laughed. “When the fuck have you evernot‘felt it’ – especially if they have tits likethatchick had?!”
I didn’t tell him I was thinking about a chick with even bigger boobs – and all natural…
A thick little hottie with an ass to die for.
Not coming made me start to get edgy and super horny…
But all I could think about was Caterina.
Nic had said she would start in a week.
I was planning on getting back home before she started.
Despite what I’d said to my brother, Idefinitelyhad plans to seduce her…
And I wanted to make sure I was there to greet her on her first day.
I was planning to go back home after my last meeting with the Agrellas, but the guys insisted I go out clubbing with them.
I tried to get out of it, but they acted all offended.
Itwaskind of a ritual to go out drinking with them on my last night in Florence, and I didn’t have a good excuse to bow out.
And Uncle Fausto would be pissed if I didn’t keep up appearances… so we went out for a late dinner and then to the clubs.
I had one drink, then switched to soda water and lime so I could drive.
I shot the shit with the Agrella guys and had a few laughs –
But as soon as they were drunk enough and had some girls interested in them, I got the fuck out of there.