I figured it was a Sicilian saying –

But I had no idea what it meant.

“…what?” I asked, puzzled.

“It’s an old Sicilian blood oath,” Niccolo said in a quiet voice.

“The oldest,” Vicari said. “Older thanomertà.You knowomertà?”

“The code of silence,” I said.

“Honor and silence,” Vicari said.“Sangue di mi sangueis an unbreakable promise. It means that you’re not only part of my family… you’re my flesh and blood. Anybody who fucks with you, fucks with me. Andnobodyfucks withme.”

“Does that mean you’ll be supplying us with more than 20 men?” Niccolo asked hopefully.

“It means HE’Ssangue di mi sangue,”Vicari said, pointing at me. “If your uncle fucks with him, then I’ll take it as my personal mission to destroy Fausto. Butyou?You’re just an in-law… and in-laws get 20 men.”

“Wonderful,” Niccolo said drily.

“So if I’d been ‘blood of yourblood,’” I said sarcastically,“thenyou would have warned us about Mezzasalma?”

“Of course,” Vicari said. “But don’t take it personal. Nothing about it was personal. Like I said: in Sicily, the strong eat the weak. Whoever Mezzasalma went after, the strongest would win – and that’s exactly what happened. He went after the Agrellas and he slaughtered them like pigs. Then he went up against you – ”

“And we fucked his shit up.”

For the first time, Vicari smiled – although it was the most chilling, blood-curdling smile I’d ever seen.

“And you fucked his shit up,” he agreed.

“Apparently it’s not just Sicily where the strong eat the weak,” I said coolly.

“Apparently not. In fact, that was another reason I wanted the marriage. Any men who could take out Mezzasalma are allies worth having.”

I laughed.

Vicari frowned. “What’s so funny?”

“Because it was agirlwho took out Mezzasalma.”

Vicari stared at me blankly. “…what?”

Niccolo jumped in. “Actually, Adriano was the one who shot him – ”

“But it was Bianca who wrecked the fucking car,” I snapped.

I figured credit where credit was due.

“A girl, you say,” Vicari muttered.

“My sister-in-law.”

“Huh.” Vicari thought for a long second… then shrugged. “Bad luck catches up with us all sometimes. I guess it caught up with Mezzasalma.”

Bad luck my ASS.

Vicari wouldn’t admit awomancould kill somebody like Mezzasalma.

“The old woman who tried to kill Dario a couple months ago was Sicilian, too,” I snapped.