“What about Roberto?!”
“He’s on official family business in Hong Kong.”
“So Don Vicari has requested an immediate audience.”
“Make him wait until Roberto gets back!”
“One does not tell Don Vicari towait,”Niccolo said darkly. “Besides, Roberto handles all the money for the family. We can’t afford to lose him.”
“Well – YOU do it, then!”
“I’m the family’sconsigliere.I’m not moving to Sicily.”
“Then make her movehere!”
“That was another one of Don Vicari’s conditions: that her husband stay in Sicily with the family.”
At that, I jumped up from my seat. “NO!”
“Valentino – ” Niccolo warned.
“FUCK THAT! I have a life here! I have shit going on! I’m not just going to – ”
“Valentino,” Dario growled from the corner.
A shiver went down my spine.
It was like hearing a wolf snarl ten feet away from you when you hadn’t even known it was there.
It was the only thing he’d said since he’d told me to sit. I’d almost forgotten he was even in the room.
I immediately got quieter and more respectful, but I kept on talking.
I knew who I had to convince… and it wasn’t Niccolo.
“Dar– ” I started, then immediately caught myself when he narrowed his eyes. “Don Rosolini… please… I’mbeggingyou. Please don’t make me do this.Please.”
Dario glared at me, then looked at Niccolo.
Sort of like,YOU handle this.
My stomach dropped as I realized maybe itwasNiccolo I had to convince…
Which meant it was a lost cause.
Once Nic decided he wanted something done his way, he never compromised. He was like a pit bull with a bone.
I had to try anyway, though.
“Why Don Vicari?” I pleaded as I turned back to Niccolo. “Why can’t we cut a deal with the families in Rome – or Naples, or Milan?”
“Because none of them will talk to me,” Niccolo said coldly. “I tried calling all of them dozens of times. Don Vicari was the only one who responded.”
“Try again!”
“What’s the fucking problem here? We’re not asking you to cut off your left nut – we’re asking you to go live in a palace in Sicily!”