She was going to be my favorite new sister-in-law, I could just tell it.

After Alessandra, of course. Seeing as she got me and Cat back together.

The priest sputtered. “This is – I – homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of the Church, and I will not – ”

He was interrupted by someone racking a Glock.


The slide jacked back, followed by theclink!of the ejected bullet hitting the floor.

Dario stood there with his gun out.

It was pointed at the floor, yeah… but it was out.

All he’d done was eject one live round and put another in the chamber –

But thesoundit made was the point.

“If you take my money,” Dario said coldly, “then you do what I ask. And I’m ‘asking’ you to marry everyone here.Everyone.”

On cue, Lars, Rachel, and three of my brothers – Adriano, Roberto, and Massimo – pulled out their guns and racked the slides, too.

Schick schick schick schick schick –

Followed by a cascade of bullets hitting the floor.

Clink clink clink clink clink!

Niccolo looked around –

Grumbled, “Ah, what the fuck” –

And pulled out his gun and racked the slide, too.

The priest stared in shock –

Then forced a smile.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today – ”


It was an awesome wedding.

It was an even better wedding reception.

We got married in Resuttano, but afterwards we went to the other side of Sicily, as far away from Don Vicari as we could get.

The old lady came through for us a second time, because three empty cars were waiting for us outside the chapel.

There was a piece of paper on the dash of one car, along with a handwritten note and a telephone number:

Call after you leave Sicily.

Lars and Rachel checked the cars out thoroughly for bombs, but after they were satisfied, we drove three hours and found a little village in the middle of nowhere.

We sat outdoors around a stone table, feasted on food from the only restaurant in town, and drank glass after glass of champagne.