Seeing him was a complete shock.
He descended the stairs like an old man, slowly and carefully, wincing with every step.
Once he reached the tarmac, he used a cane to hobble over to me.
I knew he’d been hurt badly in the gunfight –
But actuallyseeingit shook me to my core.
Massimo was the biggest and the strongest of all of us – a mountain.
If thiscould happen tohim…
Thenanythingcould happen toanyof us.
He smiled as he limped over. “I like your face. It’s an improvement.”
I laughed.
Same old Massimo.
I hugged him –
But I heard him suck in his breath in pain.
That’s when I knew it was really bad.
I immediately let go of him. “Are you okay?”
“Don’t worry,rimbambito,”he said, using his favorite insult for me:numb nuts.“Youlookworse than I feel.”
“Thanks,” I said sarcastically, but we both laughed.
Then I noticed someone was behind him –
A really beautiful but really short chick, barely five feet tall.
I stared at her in surprise. “Who’s this?”
“Ah,” Massimo said. “Lucia, meet my brother Valentino. Valentino, Lucia.”
“You probably know me as the Widow’s granddaughter,” the girl said with a smirk as she air-kissed me on the right and left sides of my face.
I laughed. If she was cool using her grandmother’s nickname like that, I figured she was all right.
“Lucia’s my fiancée,” Massimo added.
I stared at him in shock – then looked at her for confirmation.
“It’s true!” she laughed as she held out her left hand.
There were two rings on her finger:
A beautiful gold one with rubies and pearls…
And what looked like a cheap plastic imitation.
“I don’t understand,” I said, stunned.