There wasn’t an elevator, so I only had one other option.
I strained to keep the suitcase semi-upright as the wheels dropped from stair to marble stair.
Luckily, only two people passed me on the stairs.
They gave me a glance but didn’t pause to talk.
Five minutes later, I exited the side door of the hotel, sweating profusely.
I rolled the suitcase to the street along the Mediterranean and scanned for pedestrians.
There were several strolling along the sidewalk –
Exactly where I needed to go.
I was definitely going to need that diversion from Cat.
I looked around.
There she was, one street over, just like I’d told her.
She gave me a worried smile and started walking towards me –
And then I heard Isabella’s voice.
I whirled around.
I was suddenly plunged into a nightmare:
Cat walking towards me from one side –
And Isabella and Ludavica approaching from the other direction.
Cat’s going to blow a fucking GASKET!
Despite my stress, I realized how funny the situation was:
I was more worried about Cat and Isabella meeting than I was about the dead body I was carting around.
“What the fuck are youdoinghere?” I whispered at Isabella as she walked towards me.
“Val?” Cat said behind me, her voice trembling. “Who arethey?”
“You must be Cat,” my future wife said brightly as she walked up. “I’m Isabella. This is Ludavica, my – uh, my servant.”