And especially not Niccolo.
This wasmymess, andIwas going to have to get us out of it.
“What can I do to help?” Caterina whispered.
I looked back at her, and suddenly my heart swelled.
This woman I’d put in so much danger –
She was asking how she could help.
Whatwecould do.Together.
“Let me think for a second and I’ll figure it out,” I said reassuringly, then kissed her.
As I paced back and forth, the pieces came together slowly…
And there were a few things that would depend on luck…
But I had a plan.
First I went over to Paolo’s body and rifled through his pockets.
“What are you doing?” Cat asked.
“Getting your money back,” I said as I pulled out the cash he’d taken.
I kept some for anything I might need to buy over the next several hours, then put the remainder back in her purse.
Cat made a face – probably because she’d now have to touch money I’d pulled off a corpse – but she didn’t say anything.
I took Paolo’s phone in case I needed it.
I dumped his wallet and keys on the floor.
I used a washcloth to wipe off the gun so my fingerprints wouldn’t be on it.
Then I sat on the bed next to Cat and explained what was going to happen next.
I had to hide Paolo’s body where no one would find it.
I had to make it look like he’d run for it.
I had to destroy his phone so they couldn’t trace it…
And I had to get rid of his gun.
“I need to ask you something, though. It’s going to suck, but I need you to do it, or this whole thing could fall apart.”
“…what?” she whispered.
“I need you to stay here with the body and make sure nobodycomes in.”
“WHAT?! Val, no – ”
“Wehaveto make sure nobody from the hotel comes in and finds him. If they do, it’ll be all over the news, your name will be out there, Don Vicari will find out – ”
“Why can’tyoustay?” she whimpered.