“I think Alessandra did.”
My eyes opened wide. “How much?”
“Mm-um-know,” Cat mumbled.I don’t know.
Paolo was risking a lot doing this.
If Don Vicari found out, he’d kill him.
And, to be honest, Paolo would deserve it.
Any servant who would sell out his don, no matter for how much, was a traitor.
Which meant I couldn’t trust Paolo, either…
Because if he’d sell out Don Vicari, he’d sellmeout,too – in a heartbeat.
Things just got a whole lot more complicated.
“I wanted Alessandra to call you, but she said they would probably listen in on the call,” Cat murmured.
“She was right. Don Vicari took away my phone, and I’msurehe would have made me talk in front of him if I got on the phone.”
Cat lifted her head to look at me. “Really?”
“Really. Did Paolo tell you anything else? Anything odd?”
“No – other than he didn’t want me to know his name.” Cat frowned. “Why are you asking me all these questions? Is something wrong?”
I didn’t want to worry her, so I told a little white lie.
“No – I was just curious. Don Vicari is probably the most secretive guy in the – ”
I paused. I didn’t want to sayCosa Nostra.
“ – that I know, so it was pretty incredible that you found me.”
Cat laid her head back down on my chest.
She was silent for a few seconds. I figured she was anxious because she knew I’d been about to sayCosa Nostra –
But that wasn’t it at all.
“What’s she like?” she asked quietly.
Cat lifted her head and gave me a pissed-off look. “The girl you’re supposed tomarry.”
I chuckled. “I’d completely forgotten about her, to be honest.”