
We were meeting Rocco in a town called Gela, another small beach resort on the southern coast of Sicily.

Gela was a lot farther west than Pozzallo, which meant it was closer to Don Vicari’s compound. Paolo got us there in only an hour and a half.

We found Rocco and his boys in another café, sitting outside in their tracksuits.

“Well, well, well,” Rocco said as I walked up with Paolo. “Look who’s here – Mr. Bleedin’ Heart.”

I didn’t say anything. I just stood there grimly.

Rocco stayed in his chair. He knew better than to stand up next to me and look like a school kid.

“Am I gonna have any fuckin’ trouble out of you today?” he snapped.


“No,sir,”he corrected me.

All his rent-a-thugs snickered.

“Don’t push it,” I warned him.

He glared at me, then broke out into a smirk. “The only reason I’m puttin’ up with your sorry ass is because Pop said I had to. But you so much as step out of line or give me any lip, I swear…”

He trailed off to imply a threat. It wasn’t very scary.

I wanted to say,You swear what, exactly? You’ll send me back home to Daddy because you’re too much of a pussy to handle it yourself?

Instead, I replied, “I won’t say anything.”

“Good. But just so I don’t have to listen to your fucking whining, today we’re starting with the scum of the earth. Does that meet your approval?” he asked mockingly.


“Good. Let’s roll.”

Paolo moved to follow the group as they all moved into the street –

“No,” Rocco snapped. “You’re not part of my crew.Youstayhere.”

Paolo watched forlornly as I walked away with Rocco and his gang.

Don’t be in a hurry to be a gangster,I wanted to say to him.

Someday, you might just get your wish.

God help you if you do.

We hit the back alleys of Gela, looking for the guys who sold drugs.

Most of them coughed up immediately, producing fatter stacks of bills than the shopkeepers from the day before.

A couple of guys weren’t exactly flush with cash, though.

One pleaded for an extension; Rocco punched him in the stomach so hard the guy crumpled to the ground. Rocco told him to have the money (plus a 50% late fee) in five days, or Rocco would break both his thumbs.

The other guy tried to run for it when he saw Rocco down the block.