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That’s the one thing I desire above all else.

Control over myself…

My destiny…

And the safety of my family.

It makes sense I gravitated towards finance very early in life.

Money is control embodied in physical form.

Money lets you command property… companies… political parties… even people.

Well…mostpeople, anyway.

Control is something I desire in the bedroom, as well.

I have always been obsessed with controlling a woman’s body…

With the touch of my fingers…

A whisper in her ear…

Going down on her…

Bringing her to the brink and making her wait, hovering at the edge of agony and ecstasy…

Until I tip her over the edge and send her crashing into bliss.

But my heart?

My emotions?

Those were always undermycontrol.

No one else held even an ounce of influence over them.

Until I met a woman who conquered me, totally and completely…

Not only by giving me control overher…

But by sending me completely outof control.


After months of heartache and violence, things had taken a turn for the better.

Two attempts to destroy our family were followed by two weddings: my oldest brother Dario and his bride Alessandra, then Adriano and Bianca six weeks later.

It seemed as though we were finally on the path to happiness…