“Thank you for bringing him,” I said. “I never got to say goodbye.” Tears were welling up in my eyes.
“Asher told us,” Maggie said.
“He found us on Instagram,” Maggie’s mom said. “I’m Courtney, by the way.”
“I’m Wren. Thank you so much. This is the best day ever. How is Bean doing?”
“We love him,” Maggie said.
“We really do,” Courtney agreed. “He’s a character.”
“He is.” I scratched Bean behind the ears. “You have a home now. Are you so happy?”
As if he understood me, he gave a playful bark. I hugged him around the neck.
“Does this make it harder or easier?” Courtney asked, seeming to think I was going to scoop Bean up and steal him away from them. Part of me wanted to do just that. But a bigger part of me knew he was in the right place and that’s what I had needed to see.
“It makes it better,” I said.
Bean laid his head on my lap.
“If you guys ever go out of town and need a dog sitter, or if he just wants a playdate some afternoon…”
“We will absolutely call you,” Courtney said. “Can I get yourinfo?”
“Yes, please.” We exchanged numbers and sat and visited for a while longer. “Thanks for coming. You really didn’t have to do that,” I said.
“That Asher makes a compelling argument. He’s a sweetheart,” Courtney said as she stood up and brushed grass off the back of her jeans.
“He is…,” I said.
“He promised to help me make a video,” Maggie said.
“For TikTok?” I asked.
“No, my mom doesn’t let me have TikTok. I want to make a funny video with Bean for my family’s Instagram.”
“He’s good at those,” I said.
“Bean or Asher?” Courtney said.
“Well, both, but I meant Asher,” I replied.
She pulled a folded piece of paper out of her pocket. “This is for you.”
“Bye, Wren,” Maggie said. Bean jumped to his feet and was at her side. She gathered his leash and cooed some sweet words tohim.
“Bye, Maggie. I can tell he loves you.”
She beamed.
“Bye, Bean,” I said, and he seemed to smile at me over his shoulder. I waved goodbye as they climbed in their car and drove away.
I waited until they were all the way around the corner before I opened the note.I do know you,it read.I hope this helps you feel a little better.
I smiled big. Asher was right. This was what I had needed. Not just to see Bean, although that was amazing, but for Asher to show me that he saw me.