Page 93 of Shadow Operative

He was still on guard. Still looking for trouble. Still ready to protect her.

Her throat tightened with emotion at the thought.

He was nearly a stranger, yet he’d already done so much for her.

His acts hadn’t gone unnoticed.

She observed his strong profile a moment before asking, “Do you see anything?”

“Nothing notable. But everything has been awfully quiet today, don’t you think?”

She’d had the same thought but didn’t want to voice it aloud. “Yes, it has been.”

Maybe these guys had what they wanted.

Or maybe this was the calm before the storm.

Her phone buzzed, and she glanced at the screen.

An unknown number.

Her heart beat faster. She had no idea what she would see on the other side of this.

Once she clicked it, it opened an image on her screen.

She gasped. “It’s my sister . . .”

The words below it read:Do what we say or your sister will die.

No . . .

As Nia looked at the image closer, she noticed her sister’s wrists were bound to the arms of a wooden chair. That her eyes were red as if she’d been crying.

Someone had abducted Sophia.

And it was all Nia’s fault.

If only she’d complied with their demands, this would have never happened.



Gage placeda hand on Nia’s shoulder, compassion flooding him. “I’m sorry.”

As tears began rolling down her face, he prodded her up from the seat and wrapped his arms around her. Nia leaned into the hug.

Gage would hold her as long as she needed to be held.

This had to be a shock to her. It would be for anyone.

More than anything he wanted to comfort her.

“I just can’t believe this,” she muttered into his chest. “Why would these men go after my sister?”

“These guys are going to do anything to get what they want.” He gently stroked her back.

Nia sniffled again before stepping back. She grabbed a tissue from her desk, running it under her eyes and then wiping her nose. “They want to make this personal.”