Maybe she should turn around and go back to her office.
That was what she’d do.
She would go back, she decided. She’d barricade herself inside until she figured something else out.
She took a step back when a footstep echoed in the distance.
Her throat tightened until she felt as if she couldn’t breathe.
She wasn’t alone.
She took another step back, nearly falling. She caught herself.
A step sounded behind her also. So quiet it was almost ghostlike. But it was definitely there.
She couldn’t go back into the office. She needed another plan.
She glanced around the parking garage, still seeing no signs of movement.
Maybe if she could make it to her car fast enough . . .
It was her only option.
She had to move. Otherwise, the guy behind her would reveal himself.
Wasting no more time, she darted to the right.
She sprinted past various cars in the dim space, suddenly wishing she hadn’t parked on the far side of the garage.
As she passed a concrete pillar, someone stepped out.
A hand pressed over her mouth. An arm reached around her midsection, locking her limbs in place.
This was it, wasn’t it?
She would die without any answers.
And Nia would have no one to blame but herself.
Gage leaned closer to Nia.“It’s me. Don’t make a sound. Understand?”
Some of the tension seemed to leave Nia, but she remained stiff.
“Understand?” Gage repeated.
She nodded.
“There are two guys in the garage coming for you,” he whispered. “We don’t have time to run. We need to hide.”
Nia nodded again, though the action was rigid.
Releasing her slowly, Gage then took her hand. “Stay low.”
He began pulling her toward a line of vehicles parked against the exterior wall of the building. He’d already scoped out the best escape plan.