Page 34 of Shadow Operative

The receptionist behind the white marble desk looked at them with wide eyes as they ran by. “Excuse me . . . can I help you?”

But they moved too fast for anyone to stop them.

Gage knew he was only buying time.

The gunman would follow them inside this place in a matter of seconds.

“Where are we going?” Nia’s voice sounded breathless as Gage led her down a hallway.

“We just need to get away.” He turned around another corner down another hallway.

“There should be an exit somewhere close by.”

They could leave this building and head across the street to another. They could keep doing that until they lost this guy.

But as they reached the end of the hallway, a window stared back.

A window that was sealed shut.

“Gage . . .” Nia stared at it.

His thoughts raced.

He only had mere seconds before that gunman would appear. He could hear the footsteps running in the distance, right around the corner.

Gage had a gun, but he didn’t want to pull it out. Didn’t want to show his hand . . . yet.

His cover would be blown if he did.

But he’d draw his Sig if it came down to it.

Nia’s heart raced out of control.

How were she and Gage going to get out of this one?

They were trapped inside this building.

She glanced at Gage, hoping he might have some sort of plan. His sharp gaze showed he was trying to compute his next move.

It was almost like . . . he knew what he was doing.

She swallowed hard at the thought.

Exactly who was this guy? A computer repair tech? He hardly seemed like it.

The shooter appeared at the end of the hallway.

“This way!” Gage grabbed her arm again and pulled her to a nearby doorway.

He twisted the knob, and the door opened.

They slipped inside. Numerous people sitting at cubicles looked up and stared at them in confusion.

“Don’t mind us,” Gage muttered before darting through the office space.

Sweat spread across Nia’s forehead with every step.

Would this guy follow them and finish them off?