“I see.” Nia nodded slowly as if still trying to comprehend everything.
“The truth is, there are a lot of assignments I did that I can only half remember,” he continued. “As part of the experiments that were done on me, I was programmed to obey.”
“So I guess you understand what it was like for me when I fell under the spell of that app.”
Gage ran a hand through his hair, that familiar tug-of-war beginning inside him. The assignments he’d done had been important. Had helped keep people safe. But that was never as cut-and-dried as people wouldlike to think.
Peace came at a price. Most people weren’t willing to accept what that price was.
“Unfortunately, I do understand what it’s like to be controlled,” he finally said. “I understand all too well. It’s unnerving, isn’t it?”
“I struggle with my job. I struggle with my time in the military. Most of my colleagues do.”
Nia turned toward him. “Then why don’t you get out of that type of work? Do something else?”
“Because the guys at The Shadow Agency . . . they understand me when no one else does. No one else can fully comprehend what we’ve been through. And I’ve had my doubts about if I can truly acclimate to civilian life.”
“I get how that would be hard.” Nia offered a soft smile. “But I also believe that all things are possible, especially when we have the right processes in place . . . and faith in God.”
A smile feathered across his lips. “I agree. But change can be hard.”
“Does this mean you’re going back to . . . Wichita?” Her question ended with a dubious lilt.
Gage smiled again. “The company is actually based in Michigan. And, yes, I will need to go back there for a while. But I’m hoping to come back to Miami to visit . . . often.”
Her breath caught. “Really?”
A grin stretched across her face. “I’d like that.”
Their gazes locked. “I’m glad to hear that.”
As Nia studied his face, she pushed a curl behind her ear and swallowed hard. “Thank you for trusting me with everything you just said, Gage. It means a lot.”
“I’m not supposed to talk about these things.”
“But you shared them with me?” Questions danced in her eyes.
“Only because I care about you. I know it sounds crazy. We haven’t known each other that long. But it’s true.”
“It’s not crazy to me. I care about you too.”
Hope filled him, and Gage felt as if a weight had been lifted from his chest.
Maybe he could acclimate to regular life. Maybe he could have a normal future.
Maybe he would have the chance to find some happiness for himself after so many years of helping others.
Gage leaned toward Nia, and their lips met again in what he hoped would be one of many more kisses.
Two weeks later
Nia was thrilledthat her sister was safely back home and doing as well as ever.