Then she watched as Mario stepped inside the office. As his officers apprehended Graham, she lowered the gun onto the table and began to untie her sister.
But she couldn’t ignore the smug look on Mario’s face.
“What have you gotten yourself into now?” he chided as he shook his head and let out atsk-tsk.
“My friends and I brought down this man who has not only had at least two people killed but also who abducted my sister.” She nodded to Sophia as she continued to untie her. “Graham was also planning on selling dangerous technology to some less than honorable people who wanted to use it to hurt others. You should be thanking me right now.”
Surprise flickered in his gaze but quickly was replaced with vengeance. “You fled a crime scene last night.”
“That’s your biggest worry right now?” She shook her head in disgust. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”
“There’s a lot about me that might surprise you,” he muttered.
Nia freed her sister’s arms, and the two pulled each other into a hug.
Mario stared at them and let out a grunt before stepping back. “I’ll have questions for both of you.”
Nia and Sophia held on to each other. “Of course.”
“Don’t go anywhere.”
He was in over his head, Nia realized. Not just with this case. But with his job. With the compromising situations he’d put himself in.
This man was no leader.
He was a bully.
He stepped out of the room to answer some questions from his guys.
She instantly relaxed as soon as he was gone.
This was over, Nia realized. There would still be a lot of questions. A lot of answers that she needed to give.
But Graham wouldn’t hurt anyone else.
And Nia needed to destroy this app before it did any more harm than it already had.
Four hours later,Nia, Gage, and Austin were finally able to leave the police station. Sophia had been taken to the hospital to be checked out, but she would be fine. Doctors wanted to keep her overnight for observation, just in case.
Graham and his men were either being treated or were behind bars. All of them would live to see another day—and pay for what they’d done. Nia only hoped the police would be able to track down the potential buyer of the app, the people who wanted to use it for nefarious purposes.
“You guys, I’m going to go grab a coffee.” Austin nodded to a coffee shop on the corner. “I’ll meet you back at the hotel room in an hour or two.”
Gage nodded. “Sounds good. See you there.”
Gage and Nia strolled along the street, in no hurry to get anywhere. They had a lot to talk about—and a lot to process.
“Thank you for coming for me.” Nia stole a glance at Gage.
“Of course I came for you.”
“I got a glimpse of that app, and that must have been what did it. Suddenly, I couldn’t think for myself. My body felt like it was on autopilot.”
“Can you imagine what someone could do with that kind of power if it was in the wrong hands?” Gage shook his head as if disgusted by the idea.