They stepped into the hotel room, and Gage locked the door behind them. Then he scanned the living room area—just to be on the safe side.
It looked clear.
Austin must have already gone to sleep because he was nowhere to be seen.
Gage turned to Nia. It was only then he realized how close they were standing.
Close enough to see the flecks in her eyes. To see the stray curls bouncing in front of her face. To see the smoothness of her skin.
Gage’s heart lurched into his throat.
Maybe. But he knew there was more to it than that.
It had been a long time since Gage had let himself feel anything for a woman. He hadn’t intended on letting himself feel anything for Nia.
But the feelings were there, and they were undeniable.
He was deeply attracted to Nia on more than one level.
As she stared up at him, he couldn’t help but think that she felt the same way.
“We did it.” Satisfaction bubbled in her voice. “We got the information, and we got away from those men.”
“We did. I think we could really be onto something.”
They both paused as their gazes locked.
The next moment, their lips met in an explosive kiss.
They both had too much pent-up energy. Too many adrenaline rushes. Too many brushes with death.
All that emotion all came out in their kiss.
A passionate kiss Gage wished would never end. Even their heartbeats seemed to pound in sync as their lips explored each other’s, as their arms drew each other closer. Warmth spread through him.
Finally, he pulled away.
Even though his lips still felt on fire. Even though heat ran through his veins. Even though his heart pumped out of control.
Nia shared an intimate smile before touching her lips and taking a step back.
“I . . .” Her voice trailed as if she didn’t know what to say.
He understood exactly where she was coming from.
“Maybe we should just go to bed—each to our own beds,” he clarified. “And we can talk about things again in the morning?”
A crinkle of amusement tugged at her lips. “Good idea.”
“If you get any texts or if you need me for anything, I’ll be on the couch.”
“I should be fine. But thanks.”
He stepped back and ran a hand through his hair. He felt so discombobulated that he hardly knew what to do with himself.
He paused near the couch and nodded at her. “Good night then.”