Page 106 of Shadow Operative

Gage began to rifle through the papers on the table, hoping to find something that might provide them with some answers. But much of what he saw was coding. There were a few hand-drawn diagrams. A graphic that maybe Rob wanted to use for a new app.

But most of it didn’t make any sense to Gage.

He hoped Nia was having more luck.

She searched the files on the computer for several minutes before sighing and turning toward the table in the middle of the room. “There’s nothing there—not that I can find.”

“That’s too bad, to say the least.”

“Most definitely.” She picked up one of the hand-held electronic devices there, hit a button on the screen, and frowned.

“You think the answers are on that?” Gage turned toward her, needing to clear his head a moment.

“At this point, I’m not sure of anything. What was the code to get into this room again?”

He told her the number combination.

She typed it into the tablet, and then her eyes widened. “I can’t believe it. It worked.”

She glanced at the screen when all of a sudden her face stilled, and it looked as if she was transported into another world.



Nia’s mindreeled back in time.

Suddenly, she was laughing with Rob. Standing outside his apartment door.

She wasn’t sure why she was going inside. The two of them were just having friendly banter, almost as if the tense discussion at dinner hadn’t happened.

He unlocked the door, and they stepped inside.

Nia commented on how nice his place looked.

Rob set his keys on the entry table and then stepped farther inside, offering her something to drink.

She declined. Instead, she followed him into the living room.

As she paused near the couch, a man stepped from around the corner behind her.

Fear clutched her.

She couldn’t see his face. She only felt the knife pressed into her back. Only saw Rob’s face go pale.

“So glad to see that you guys could come join me,” the man muttered.

“You don’t have to do this,” Rob muttered. “Nia has nothing to do with this.”

“You know what I want. All you have to do is give it to me.”

“You and I both know I’m not going to do that.” Rob shook his head, a tremble to his voice.

“I told you if you didn’t there would be consequences.” The intruder pressed the knife harder into her back, the blade on the brink of breaking through her clothing to her skin.

“You need to put the knife down.” Rob patted the air with his hands as he tried to get the intruder to calm down.

Nia’s mind raced. Did she recognize that voice?