Page 103 of Shadow Operative

Nia’s breath caught.Gage had heard it too. The sound.

Before she could react, Gage quickly shut the closet door, shoved the clothes back in place, and slid the safe room door shut.

The mechanism engaged with a churn, making it clear the lock had engaged. But Gage didn’t look so confident. He leaned closer to the lock, his eyes narrowed.

“What is it?” Nia murmured, wondering what had him concerned.

“Usually, there’s something on the inside of these safe rooms that disables the external lock.”

“This one doesn’t have it?”

He studied it more closely. “It doesn’t look like it. I’m not sure if this is an older design or if Rob was in the process of replacing it or what. But it’s not here.”

“So that means if these guys have the code to get intothe room then they can?” Her throat tightened as she said the words.

They exchanged a look.

What did they do now? Just stand here and wait? If so, for how long?

“This was originally a safe room.” Gage muttered, seeming to think out loud. He walked to one of the computers. “A lot of times, safe rooms are set up with cameras that show what’s going on in other parts of the house.”

“You think Rob set up cameras?”

“I think it’s a good possibility. With today’s technology, they could be hidden, and no one would even know.”

Just like the ones in her office, Nia mused.

He grabbed one of the mouses and wiggled it.

One of the screens lit.

Sure enough, it showed a collage of four different black-and-white videos.

Black-and-white videos that showcased various parts of the apartment.

Nia’s heart beat harder.

This could be their saving grace.

She skirted around the table at the center of the space and stood close to Gage. They stared at the screen, and Gage pointed at one video feed in particular.

It showed a man wearing dark clothing creeping around the living room.

Her eyes zoomed in on the gun in his hands.

Did that guy know they were in here? Had he seenthem enter the apartment, and was he looking for them now?

Or was he looking for something else?

She couldn’t be sure.

At least Gage was with her. He had a gun. If it came down to it, maybe they stood a fighting chance.

Then another man appeared on screen.

Two intruders were in the apartment.

Nia watched as they explored the apartment.