“What the . . . ?” Tex pushed the half-deflated Santa away.
He started to go after the man when he heard a knocking sound. He paused long enough to look over at the house beside him.
A little girl, probably eight years old, had her face pressed to the window, watching everything.
Tension gripped his heart.
The last thing he wanted was for a child to witness Tex ripping into this guy—especially with a giant blow-up Santa between them.
He looked back at Chelsea’s attacker.
But he’d already jumped into a car down the street—a car that looked very much like the one that had been nearby when Chelsea’s house was broken into tonight.
He fisted his hands.
That guy wouldn’t have gotten away if it hadn’t been for the girl in the window.
Next time, Tex would be more careful.
But right now, he needed to check on Chelsea.
Chelsea kept her gaze trained behind her as she waited for Tex to return.
Too much time had passed. What was taking him so long? What if he was hurt?
Maybe she should start her car. Head in the direction he’d gone. Maybe she should find him. Help him.
At once, an image of him lying in the road injured by her attacker filled her mind. She could hardly stomach the thought.
But what if Tex came back looking for her and she was gone?
The dilemma tugged inside her.
Five more minutes, Chelsea decided. That was how long she’d wait until she’d go check on him. It was the least she could do, especially since he’d put his well-being on the line for her.
But what was he doing out here anyway? Had he followed her?
She nibbled on her bottom lip. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that.
The minutes crawled by. Finally, a dark figure appeared down the street.
Her breath caught.
Was that Tex? Or was it the man who’d attacked her?
Her throat tightened until she could hardly breathe.
The shadow came closer. Closer.
She gripped the steering wheel, her knuckles white. Should she drive away? Flee from potential danger?
She pressed the brakes, then shifted the car into Drive.
If she had to, she’d press the accelerator and get away.
Then the man’s features came into view.
It was Tex.