“I thought it would be better for you if I left,” he blurted. “That if I did, you’d find someone worthy of you.”

“You didn’t think you were worthy of me?” Chelsea blinked in confusion.

“When you come from a messed-up background like I did, everything is skewed. I had been told I was worthless andunwanted so many times that I had a hard time believing I’d ever be worthy and wanted.”

“Oh, Tex . . .”

“I was determined to make something of myself. I told myself one day I was going to come back to you once I’d done that. Then I ended up in that military program that broke me. I realized there might not ever be a time when I felt good enough for you. I figured it was better if I stayed away.”

She tilted her head as she listened, her gaze soft with emotion.

Tex continued. “Then as more time passed, I also realized that that was the biggest mistake of my life. I figured I’d blown my chance with you.”

“I was pretty angry and hurt when you left the way you did.”

“That was never my intention. I couldn’t see things clearly. Or maybe I didn’t let myself. I told myself I was doing what was best for you.”

“You were wrong.”

“I know that now. You’re the only person who’s ever felt like home to me.”

Chelsea stepped closer and rested her hand on his chest. “It sounds like we wasted a lot of time these past twelve years.”

His heart softened. “Yes, we have.”

“When you came back . . . I told myself I didn’t want to get close to you because I didn’t want to be hurt again.”

“Hurting you again is the last thing I want to do.”

“Then what happens from here?” she asked. “Are you leaving now that everything with Gilbert is resolved? Am I never going to see you again after this?”

“I’d like a second chance.” Tex’s throat burned as he said the words. “If you’d give one to me. I know I travel with work. But even people who travel need a home base. I’d like to make it here. In Holly Ridge. With you.”

Tex could hardly breathe as he waited for Chelsea’s reaction.

A grin spread across her face. “I would like that. I would like it a lot.”

“Really?” He studied her face, halfway expecting her to say she was joking.

Not that she was cruel enough to do something like that.

“I absolutely mean it,” she murmured.

With those words, Tex’s arms encircled her waist, and he pulled her closer.

He pointed above him.

He’d pinned some mistletoe there earlier—he’d found it in the backyard. The two of them had become experts at hunting for it as teenagers.

Then, just like he had wanted to do for all of the years they had been apart, he lowered his head until his lips met hers.



This Christmas had been nearly perfect so far, Chelsea mused. The only thing that would have made it better was if her mom and dad were here.

The day had started with Tex coming over. The two of them had exchanged gifts and eaten a yummy pancake breakfast, all while listening to Christmas music. Snow had fallen outside overnight, and now coated the ground in a layer of glistening white.