“I cannot say with absolute certainty either way, but given my many years of experience dealing with similar situations as yours, it is unlikely,” Dr. Wigmore replies.

Daisy's expression falls. "I understand," she says softly.

“I know that this is a lot to take in,” he continues, his tone gentle. “Take some time to heal and discuss what course of action you’d like to take. If you have any further questions and want to schedule another appointment to discuss your decision, I’d be very happy to go through the process in more detail.”

I nod, feeling fucking helpless as I look at Daisy’s stricken face. She sniffles, composing herself before speaking up.

“Thank you, Dr. Wigmore. We’ll take some time to think about it, and let you know.”

“Daisy, are you hungry?”I ask, flicking my gaze over at her as we drive towards Princetown, the trees lining the country road, a blur of green and brown behind her head. We’ve sat in strained silence for the past half an hour, both of us trying to digest the news Dr. Wigmore had shared.

“Not particularly,” she replies, staring out of the window, her hand still clutching the information leaflet Dr. Wigmore gave her.

“You should eat,” I say.

“I don’t feel much like eating,” she retorts, wrapping her arms around herself.

“I know, but you need to keep up your strength. You’re still recovering from the operation, Daisy,” I reply, determined to take care of her, especially since she’s struggling to do that for herself. “We could stop at Daphne’s café. Drix said she’s been asking after you.”

“I’m not sure I’m ready to face her just yet,” she murmurs. “It’s not as if I can tell her what’s happening anyway. As far as most people are concerned I’ve just had my appendix out, not lost the ability to conceive a child naturally. I don’t have thestrength today to pretend everything’s okay when it’s not, and Daphne has an uncanny way of uncovering the truth. Nothing much gets past her.”

“Of course, I didn’t think,” I reply, cursing myself internally. “How about we swing by Drix’s place? I’m sure he’d like to see you, Toby and Lia too.”

“Okay,” she agrees, before leaning her head against the window and closing her eyes, cutting off any opportunity to talk further.

Fifteen minutes later Drix is opening his front door, his tall frame silhouetted against the warm glow of the house’s interior lights.

“Hey, this is a pleasant surprise,” he says, drawing Daisy into his arms as she presses her cheek against his chest, her eyes shutting briefly as he throws me a concerned look. I shake my head, telling him without words that we should talk later.

“Sorry to just turn up unannounced,” Daisy apologises, drawing out of his arms.

“Don’t apologise, this will always be your home, Daisy. You can come by anytime you like, you know that,” he replies, draping his arm over her shoulder and tucking her into his side. “Let’s go inside, dinner is almost ready. I’m sure there’s plenty to go around,” he adds, guiding Daisy inside as I follow them both.

The scent of home-cooked food embraces us like a warm hug as we enter the kitchen. Lia looks up from the stove, her surprise quickly covered up with a welcoming smile as Toby jumps down from his seat at the kitchen island and throws himself into Daisy’s arms.

“Daisy! You’ve come for dinner,” he says excitedly, and I watch her forcing her lips up into a soft smile that barely hides the sadness in her eyes.

“Hey, Toby, haven’t you got tall? I think you’ve grown at least an inch since I last saw you,” she says softly, ruffling his hair as he grins up at her.

“Mama said so too, didn’t you, Mama?” he replies, throwing a grin at Lia who nods, her brows pulling into a frown as she glances at me.

“I did indeed. I think you’ve had a growth spurt,” she agrees, her eyes flicking to Daisy.

“Drix says I’ll be the tallest at school when I start,” he grins, hopping from one foot to the other.

“Without a doubt,” I say, my smile falling as Daisy drags in a tremulous breath, busying herself with removing her coat and handing it to Drix who offers to take it from her.

“I’ve made spaghetti carbonara, a green salad, and some homemade garlic bread. Come on over and take a seat whilst Drix hangs up your coats,” Lia interjects in an attempt to counter the heavy weight of sadness Daisy carries.

“Thank you, Lia. It smells delicious,” I say, shrugging off my jacket and handing it to Drix who leaves the kitchen momentarily.

Pulling out the seat next to Daisy, I sit down, watching Lia as she dishes out the food onto five separate plates. By the time she’s finished placing the salad and garlic bread onto the counter, Drix has returned. He briefly squeezes my shoulder as he passes by me, dropping onto a seat next to Lia.

As everyone begins to tuck into the food, Toby chatters excitedly about his day spent at the park with Drix and Lia building a fort out of fallen branches and twigs, distracting us all from the unspoken tension hanging in the air.

Daisy barely touches her food, only managing to eat a few mouthfuls before pushing it around her plate absently, withdrawing into herself. Her mind is clearly elsewhere and Isteal glances at her, noticing the way her eyes gloss over every now and then.

Fuck, I can’t bear to see her like this.