Onyx shook his head no. "I don't. But Osian will take you to class and keep your apartment safe until I come back. He won't let anything happen to you."
Onyx could read the fear on my face and wrapped me in a hug. "He'll care for you, I promise. I trust him with my life. You'll be okay."
"I get to kick your ass if you're wrong, right?" I joked half-heartedly.
Onyx laughed. "I'm not wrong, but sure. You can kick my ass if I'm wrong."
He gave me another squeeze and kissed me. "Be back soon." He took a step back, nodded at Osian, then he went out the door.
Osian locked the door behind Onyx and silently went to the couch. He settled in, grabbed the remote, and changed the channel.
Strong silent type, it seemed.
I drew a deep breath and went into the kitchen. I ran a mug of tap water, put it in the microwave, and turned it on. Then I started opening cabinets, looking for my rarely used tea bags. I set the bag of sugar out when I saw it.
Tears came to my eyes. I knew normally I was strong, but this was a lot. My ex tried to kill me, the supernatural was real, and my current boyfriend — a supernatural being — left me here. I'd fled my life across the country to get away from my ex, and now I was essentially alone in a new place where I knew one other being — who was gone to places unknown for time unknown. He'd left a bodyguard I didn't know with me in case my ex came back to finish killing me. How did my life get so messed up? I tried to blink the tears away before they took over.
I found the tea box and got out a bag. I carried the bag of tea and bag of sugar over to the counter and set them down. The microwave went off. I pulled out the mug of water and took it to the counter also.
I sat on a stool and put the tea bag in the mug. Tea swirled from the bag into the water and I stared, mesmerized. Blinking away the tears, I willed myself not to have a nervous breakdown. I got a spoon from theutensil drawer in the counter and stirred a spoonful of sugar into my drink.
My mind needed a distraction.
I picked up my mug and went to sit by Osian. I sat down on the opposite end of the couch. Even sitting two cushions away, I could feel heat radiating from him. I wondered if that was a demon trait.
We watched TV comedy reruns in silence, sitting side by side on the couch.
* * *
"Who gave Eston the address?"
I held Monica against the wall by her throat. She choked for breath and beat her palm against my arm as I cut off her oxygen.
I stood there and let her struggle for air for a few minutes until her skin paled and I thought she'd pass out, then I relaxed my grasp on her windpipe. She coughed and gasped for air.
"Who made the deal with Eston?"
"I don't know," she cried.
"I don't believe you." My grip tightened on her throat again.
"I really don't know," she choked.
"Monica. You either tell me what I need to know, or I kill you. You have two choices." My grip tightened further.
"I'd tell you if I knew," she sputtered.
"You want me to believe you don’t know?"
She nodded frantically. I stared at her and got the impression that she told the truth.
"Fine. But put the word out that I am on the warpath and whoever did it is going to die."
I choked her until she passed out and left her unconscious body on the floor.
* * *