Page 26 of My Guardian Demon

His eyes widened when he realized I meant "I'm skinning you alive." I clicked the forceps in front of his face and picked up the scalpel again.

"Any preference on if I start with your hands or your feet? It's all the same to me."

* * *

"Can I get an Americano?"

"Sure. Name?"


The barista gave me the total. I paid and stepped aside to wait for my drink.

My cell phone rang. I looked at the screen to see the office number of my boss.

I answered, "Onyx."

"Where are you? I see your car outside but I don't see you."

"I parked and went for coffee. I'm not supposed to be at the office for another half an hour. You'd know that if you checked the schedule."

The barista called my name. She winked at me when I picked up my cup from the counter. I noticed she'd written her number under my name with a heart. In anothertime, when I wasn't taken, I might have lined her up for a casual fuck. Instead, I ignored her, grabbed my cup off the counter, and headed out to the sidewalk.

"Don't give me lip or I'll demote you. We have a special assignment for you today. Get here as soon as you can."

My eyes narrowed. "Threaten to demote me again, I dare you. You don't scare me. What kind of special assignment?”

My nerves were on edge at his special assignment statement. I hurried up the sidewalk. The office was only a few minutes away.

"It's an interrogation. The guy's already been brought in. He's sitting in the interrogation room. He's a known serial killer."

My nerves faded. Interrogations were typical. They could even be fun. "Okay. He can sweat it out. He's going to wait till I get there. I'll interrogate him in half an hour. When I'm on the clock."



I hit "end" on the call and took a drink from my coffee. I closed my eyes, expecting to savor it, but when the flavor hit my tongue, I immediately spit it out. "Fuck, not again," I groaned, opening my eyes in disappointment.

I tossed the cup of decaf black coffee — definitely not what I ordered — in a nearby trash can.

If there was ever a time to be pissed off, at least now was a good time. I had an interrogation later. My feet carried on toward the office.

Chapter 14


"Are you sure? I don't want to rush you. I can sleep at home. It won't hurt my feelings," Onyx said as he pulled my covers up around himself. He wore pajama pants but no T-shirt.

I flicked off the light and crossed the room to climb into bed beside him.

"For a demon, you're way too nice," I said.

He huffed. "I'm only nice to you. No one else would ever say I'm too nice."

I laughed. "I'll take your word for it. You're not rushing me. We're dating. You can sleep over sometimes."

I adjusted the covers around me and snuggled into Onyx. I put my head on his chest. He radiated warmth.