Page 23 of My Guardian Demon

Chapter 11


The server set the plate, which contained a burger and fries, down in front of me. I tipped my chin at him and he scurried off. Typical human reaction to my kind. I picked my phone up off the table and went back to playing Plants vs. Zombies as I munched my fries.

Mid-level on my game and halfway through my fries, someone slid into the booth across from me. A quick glance showed me it was Monica, the demoness who tried to negotiate with me about Wynn a few months before.

"I need to talk to you," she started.

I shushed her. "Shut up."

I played through and finished my level before I looked at her and laid my phone down. "What?"

She looked annoyed. Her long brown hair fell around her shoulders, parted along her curled ram horns, and her black irises stared at me.

"Oh, you have time for me now?" she snarled.

I glared. "No. But if you're going to talk, now's your opportunity."

She rolled her eyes. "We need to talk about your human."

I looked at my food and said casually, "The human is my pet. You do anything to cross her, you have a problem with me. You don't want a problem with me." I tucked a fry into my mouth and chewed. There would be fewer problems for Wynn if other demons believed she was only my pet.

"There is another human seeking to make a deal for her address."

My gaze met hers with malice. "Making that deal will definitely cause a problem with me."

"A soul for an address. It seems like an easy trade to me."

"Sure, it seems like an easy trade. But put the word out. That trade comes with consequences. Me, mainly. It's not as easy as it seems."

I picked up my burger and took a bite as I watched her. The burger juices and condiments washed over my taste buds. It was a damn good sandwich. I took another bite and put it back down as I chewed.

Monica continued, "Can anything persuade you otherwise?"

I swallowed my burger and growled. My irises flashed red with anger.

Monica held her hands up in surrender. "I had to ask."

"If I find out that anyone so much as teases that man with my human's address, I'll kill them. Am I clear?"


"Good. Now leave."

"Fine." Monica disappeared from the restaurant entirely.

I sighed and hoped no one saw that. Reckless behavior in a human diner.

No one had better give up Wynn's address to Eston. I'd kill him, then I'd kill them. It was that simple.

I went back to my game and my burger.

Chapter 12


"Onyx! Nooooooo!" I shrieked as he threw me into the pool.