"What do you mean the human world? Isn't that the only world?"
"No, it's not." He met my eyes again. "The 'supernatural' is real. There's a lot of overlap, but humans normally don't notice." He gestured toward the kitchen. "Did you see anything unusual about our server earlier?"
I shook my head no.
"He looked human, right? Reality is, he's an elf. Next time you see him, look at his ears. They're pointy." He tipped his chin at the room. "This diner? The reason they brought you the food you've been craving? It's magic. This diner is only accessible to supernatural beings — or those escorted by supernatural beings. That's why there's no sign outside. Humans don't know what this place is. The employees can sense your craving and satisfy it for you. Magic and the paranormal are real. It's all around you."
I looked around the diner again at the other patrons. They'd looked like normal people when we came in earlier. Now, I could see a bulky blue man, a sparkly skinned woman, and a child with wings.
I looked back at Onyx and gasped when I saw gray skin on his body and tiny horns poking through his hair. His nose was gone, his eyes set back further, and tiny decorative white tattoos surrounded his mouth. A pointed tail peeked up over the table, almost like another hand.
His hand squeezed mine again, and he softly smiled before letting go.
"You see now," he said.
"What are you?" I asked as my hands reached across the table to touch his face.
He allowed my touch across his features. His black eyes shut as I felt over his eyebrows and cheeks. I even felt the tips of his horns. He looked like his human self in thathe wore the same T-shirt and jeans from this morning, only his facial features and skin tone changed. I was more intrigued than scared.
Onyx opened his eyes and took my hands in his. "I'd rather not tell you what I am right now. I will, but not now. I’m here to look out for you, though. I won't hurt you."
"Will you tell me if I guess?"
He huffed out a breath and smiled. "No. I'll tell you when it's a better time."
He released my hands and reached into his pocket. He put some bills on the table.
My mind ran wild. What could he be? Why wouldn't he tell me? Was it that scary?
"Your eyes aren't from contacts, are they?" I asked.
"They aren't. They're a trait of my kind. Sorry I lied earlier, but it's easier to tell non-aware humans they're from contacts."
That didn't bother me, but I wanted to know what he was.
"What's your kind?"
He tsk tsked and shook his head. "Nice try. Not now. C'mon."
Onyx took my hand and pulled me out to the parking lot. The amount of paranormal creatures I saw along the streets on the drive home was eye-opening. How had I never noticed before?
Chapter 8
Onyx pressed a Glock pistol and a box of shells into my hand as we stood inside my apartment door. "Remember, if you have to shoot, shoot to kill."
"Where did you get this?"
He shook his head. "It doesn't matter. It's yours now. You know what to do with it."
Onyx grabbed the door knob.
I didn't want him to leave. "What do you have planned for the rest of the day? Do you want to hang out here?" I asked. "We can order takeout and watch TV."
Onyx shook his head slowly, almost sadly. His eyes trailed over me. "You should go out and make some human friends. You probably shouldn't spend much time with me."
I scowled at him. This was a big change from this morning when he screamed confidence. Was he ashamed of being paranormal? "Why not? Are you planning to hurt me? Betray me?"