Page 8 of My Silent Demon

The door entered into a living room with a gray couch, a TV, and a coffee table. Goosebumps lined my arms when I realized that couch was the one from last night’s dream. It had to be a coincidence, though, right?

Nothing adorned the walls. It looked like a standard, pre-furnished apartment that hadn’t really been decorated. A hallway to the right led to the rest of the apartment.

“You didn’t have to do anything special for me,” I said. “I don’t eat much.”

Wynn waved her hand. “Oh, no worries. Osian and Onyx will eat anything you and I don’t. I don’t have to worry about leftovers.”

Osian disappeared into a door in the hallway. I heard Onyx speak but couldn’t tell what he said. Osian reappeared in the doorway a moment later, eating a dinner roll. His eyes flicked over me, almost analytically. A shiver ran down my spine.

Wynn noticed and said, “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. Come get something to eat.” She gestured toward the door where Osian stood.

I narrowed my eyes at her statement. I’d “get used to it”? What an odd statement. Again though, I felt like I needed to take a chance on these people.

Reluctantly, I put my backpack on the couch and moved forward toward where Wynn indicated.

Osian stepped out of the way. My eyes widened at my first glance into the kitchen. The counter was covered with food. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, rolls, and more. The meal looked like Thanksgiving dinner for a huge family.

“Wynn, this is too much,” I said.

Wynn gestured no. “Nonsense. I like to cook for others, and I guarantee I won’t have leftovers. Dig in and enjoy.”

Onyx stood at the counter, making a plate. “Hi, N,” he said. He stuck a forkful of mashed potatoes in his mouth then went back to gathering food.

“N?” I asked.

“I knew the orig...” His gaze snapped to me. He glanced back to his food. “Uh... I knew someone named Magdalene, and we didn’t get along. So I’m associating you with a nickname instead. N.”

“Not M or Mags or something to do with my name?”

“It does have to do with your name. MagdaleNe.” He gestured to the food. “Grab a plate and eat.”

Onyx finished loading his plate and moved to the island to sit on one of the stools around it. His plate was literally heaped with food.

Wynn nudged me. “You were just accepted into the family. N.” She smirked at the nickname. “Make yourself a plate and have a seat.”

I didn’t know what to think. These people weren’t like others I’d met before. Maybe that was a good thing?

I moved to the counter and started making a plate.

“Eat as much as you want,” Wynn encouraged. “You’ve got to get in there before these guys do or you’ll get nothing. They’re like monsters.”

She walked over to Onyx and planted a big kiss on his lips. The intense look they shared afterward banished any hint of jealousy I held toward Wynn from my body; anyone would see that Wynn and Onyx were fully devoted to each other.

Chapter 4


I had to admit, the human was cute when she relaxed. She had a pierced nose, red hair, and sass. She amused me.

As we had dinner around the island countertop, eventually Magdalene — N — lowered her walls. She and Wynn laughed and told stories. Onyx joined in sometimes, careful to keep what he divulgedmundane. I said nothing. Honestly, most of the conversation sounded like gibberish to me.

It made me happy to see Wynn make friends. She needed someone besides me and Onyx in her life. The little human deserved to flourish.

I had a soft spot for Wynn. The woman was like a sister. I loved how she never tried to change our demon natures; she accepted us as we were.

Standing, I went to the counter for a third plate of food. There was still plenty left. Once I loaded my plate, I returned to my seat at the island.

I waved at N.