Page 46 of My Silent Demon

Osian rolled his eyes and nodded.

“What? We were going to throw them away otherwise. Now they’ll get some use. Recycling.” Onyx tapped his finger to his temple then nodded and grinned at Osian like whatever it was had been a brilliant idea.

Wynn announced, “The food’s done if you want to make a plate.” She turned the oven off and opened the door to pull a pan out and set it on the stovetop.

Everyone lined up behind her. Wynn’s lasagna was no joke.

Onyx was first in line. “Lasagna. My second favorite.” He found a spatula and cut himself a large piece.

Wynn laughed. “We’ll have ribs and baked potatoes on Saturday, how’s that?”

Onyx spun his dark gaze on her. “Yes, ma’am.” He abruptly kissed her, then took his plate and returned to the island.

Osian and I exchanged looks. He smirked. He hadn’t said ma’am.

“Osian’s got a birthday coming up,” Wynn said. “I think his favorite meal is spaghetti if memory serves me right.”

Osian narrowed his eyes and growled at her.

Wynn laughed, not at all intimidated. “Oh, we’re throwing you a party. Get used to the idea. N and I have to go shopping.” She turned to me. “I make every birthday a big deal. These guys don’t. But they’re going to celebrate from now on. Are you with me?”

I stepped beside Wynn and looped arms with her. “I’m with you. These guys won’t know what hit them.”

I winked at Osian as he groaned.

Onyx smiled.

Deep down, I knew they loved the attention.