Page 19 of My Silent Demon

I shook my head. “Not yet.”

“Dig in before it gets cold.” Onyx ate another bite of chicken.

I heard a slamming door in the hallway then a bang against the wall where the apartment door swung open. My heart jumped in my chest. I was apprehensive to see Osian; yes, I needed to talk to him but he’d still told me goodbye.

Ow, ow, ow, ow,filled my ears.

Wynn came around the corner leading Osian by the ear. I bit my lip to hide a smile as I saw the little blond dragging along the tough, muscular demon who was so much bigger than her.

“I know where you live, all right,” Wynn said. “I can’t believe you said that, like I wouldn’t come get you. You know better.” She let go of Osian’s ear and shoved him toward his empty stool. “Sit down and join us for dinner.”

HIs peppermint scent washed over me and an intense desire to be near him surged through me. Where did that come from? I pushed the feeling away and tried to ignore it.

Osian sat. He turned angry eyes on Onyx.You told her?Osian signed to him.

“You said it. Told you that you’d regret it.” Onyx ate his food, not at all concerned. “I didn’t think you’d fear a human as small as her.”

Wynn went to the stove, picked up a plate, and loaded it with food.

Osian stared at Onyx with wide eyes and signed,Are you kidding?I am terrified of her.

Onyx chuckled and continued to eat his food. I pretended to rub my chin to hide my smile.

For a moment, I saw Onyx’s demon side bright and clear. It was odd to see a demon eating broccoli, but Onyx speared a piece and popped it in his mouth without a second thought. I never associated “health conscious” with demons. Maybe it was Wynn’s influence.

Wynn slid the plate in front of Osian. She gave him an annoyed look, shoved a fork at him, then sat down with a glare.

Thank you, Wynn,Osian signed.

She nodded to him.

Osian picked up the fork and ate. For a few minutes, everyone ate in silence. I was painfully aware of Osian’s presence nearby.

Ignoring it, I cut a forkful of chicken and closed my eyes as the delicious flavor washed over my tongue. I’d never had food so good.

I opened my eyes and ate a spear of broccoli.

Hesitantly, Osian thought,N.

I swallowed the broccoli and kept my gaze on my food. “Osian,” I said.

How... How are you?

“I’m fine. How are you?”

Alive. It’s usually a plus.

I forced a smile and glanced at him. He looked apprehensive, like a little boy somewhere he knew he shouldn’t be.

I said,“Are we done with chit chat? Because I’m not very good at it so I try to avoid it.”

Osian laughed, but it sounded rough like he hadn’t laughed in a long time.

Yes, we’re done with chit chat.

Wynn waved her fork between the two of us. “It’s really weird to watch you guys talk like that. I mean, weirder things have happened, but it’s still odd. I like it, though.” She took a bite of mashed potatoes. Wynn swallowed and looked at Onyx. “Why can’t we talk like that?”

Onyx’s black gaze flicked between Osian and me. “Osian doesn’t talk to anyone. That’s probably why his fated can hear him when no one else can.” He leaned over and kissed Wynn’s cheek. “Sorry we can’t do that, little one.” A grin broke across his face as he studied her. “But don’t worry, I’ll gladly say anything you want to hear.”