Page 15 of My Silent Demon

“N, hey it’s Wynn. Osian told me he showed you the supernatural world last night. How are you doing?”

Apprehension shot through me. “What? I thought that was a dream.”

“Oh. Umm. No?” Wynn stumbled over her words.

It couldn’t be true. I shook my head. I didn’t see anything unusual when I went to class today. Maybe these people were crazy.

I ignored the topic. Instead, I said, “I got the text about the school closing and students needing to leave campus. I’m packing now. Did you need something or can I get back to packing?”

“Do you have anywhere to go?”

I hesitated. “Not really. But I’ll be fine.”

Wynn said, “Nonsense, you’re coming here. You’ll have to sleep on the couch but I’ve fallen asleep there once or twice and it’s pretty comfy. Do you have a car?”

I couldn’t stay with Wynn. She was crazy. The possible choices spun through my mind. There weren’t many. “I’ll be fine. I’ll figure something out.”

“Don’t be stubborn. You can stay with us. It’ll be nice to have another woman around. Now, do you have a car?”

What other options did I have? None. I sighed. Maybe I could just stay there a few days.


“Onyx will come get you. Ten minutes sound okay?”

Begrudgingly, I said, “That’s fine.”

“Okay, see you soon.”


I disconnected the call. I zipped my duffel bag and sat on the bed to wait for Onyx.

Scrolling through my phone, I saw the latest headlines. Another student was found dead this morning. That brought the total to six. No wonder the school decided to close.

Soon, Onyx knocked on my door. I climbed off the bed, tucked my phone in my pocket, and grabbed my duffel bag. “Be right there!” I crossed the room and opened the door.

“Hey, Ony—whoa!”

When I saw him, I shrieked and slammed the door in his face. I pressed my back to the wall and clutched my chest, my breath coming hard.

Onyx resembled the way Osian looked in my dream last night: gray skin, no nose, small horns, and white tattoos around his mouth.

That was only a dream last night, right? It wasn’t real.

Onyx called, “N, I’ll be right back. When I am, be prepared to open the door.”

I whimpered and sank to the floor. The supernatural was real? Last night hadn’t been a dream? Wynn wasn’t crazy after all?

Chapter 8


The air in the room changed. Not like the air was vacuumed out of it, but like air was pumped into it. Someone transported here. The feeling pulled me out of sleep.

Onyx stood in the middle of my room and went straight to the closet.

What was going on? I blinked sleepily at him.