Don’t cry.I reached up with one hand and wiped her cheek.You know fated couples are essentially soul mates, right? Meant to meet and be together?
She nodded, more tears falling down her face. “I’m sorry you’ll be alone.”
I shook my head.I won’t be alone. You’ll be with me.
N huffed. “If you give me that ‘you’ll be with me in spirit’ shit, I’ll punch you.”
I laughed. I couldn’t help myself.
Quickly, my hand went up in a placating motion.
No, the thing about being fated is that we’re meant to be together.
N rolled her eyes. “For a fling, I get it. You don’t have to rub it in.”
I shook my head.No. For as long as we live. The minute I climaxed with you, the deal was sealed.
Her eyes widened. “What deal?”
We officially became a fated couple. You’re still human, but you heal faster, your life is extended in the form you wore that day, and we are linked. We will always be able to find each other. You are mine and I am yours, indefinitely. I thought you were aware. It was why I never accepted your offers to “return the favor.” I thought you knew what it meant.
She raised her voice. “You’re saying I’m going to look like this forever? That I’m going to live forever?”
Not exactly forever.I flashed a smile.Not a vampire, remember?
She laughed. Relief flooded my chest. I needed to hear that laugh.
You will live with me for an extended period. Hundreds of years. Millennia. It’s indefinite. Not written in stone, like a human life. We can be killed. We will perish eventually, but not for a long time.
“So I won’t leave you alone?”
I shook my head.
She grabbed my hands and squeezed them. Relief flooded her eyes.
“What about if we had kids? What would life look like for them?”
Surprised, I stared at her. She might want to have children with me? I barely held back my growl of appreciation.
I cleared my throat and shook my head to think clearly.Any children between us would be cambion — half human, half demon. They, too, would have extended lifelines.
I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.Please never talk of rejecting me again.I touched my hand to my chest.It hurts.We are fated to be together. There is no me without you. I love you.
A smile broke over her lips. “I love you, too.”
Good. Because you’re stuck with me.
N grinned. “I can deal with that.” She leaned in and kissed me.
I smiled and returned the kiss.
Chapter 15
Wynn, Osian, and I sat on her couch, playing Uno. Osian sucked on another peppermint candy.
“Let’s get out for dinner,” I said.