Page 12 of Madly Deeply

"Tell them about the bank account," Spreag suggested. "Show them I've already taken fine care of ye."

She nodded and explained about the financial arrangements he'd made.

"A pro then," Duncan admitted. “Ye’ll need for nothin’.”

Shug wasn’t convinced. "Him watchin’ ye greet yerself to sleep? That cannae be healthy for either one of ye.”

"Actually," Alexandra said, "I slept better last night than I have since... since it happened. Just knowing he was there..."

"I agree with Shug. Not lettin’ go isnae good for either of ye. Next thing he kens, two hundred years will have passed and…” He shook his head. “Forgive me. I shouldnae be wishin’ away the only reason ye’ve a smile back on yer face, lass.”

"Wishin’ me away?” Spreag came around to show Wyndham what he thought of that.

Alex laughed. “Put your kilt down, honey. He can’t see you, remember?”

Everyone laughed, though half-heartedly. When it was over, Alex had more to say.

“You think this is bad for us? To hold out hope? Have you forgotten that you were once ghosts too? And now you’re not. So don’t tell me that hoping is futile.”

"But it can't happen again," Bronagh said. "Soni could only bring back so many, have you forgotten? And her powers were lost. They’re gone. And Wickham can’t do anything like that?—"

"Then we'll find another way.”

Wren’s mouth fell open. “Then yedohope to bring him back.”

Shug took his wife’s hand in his and shook his head. "And if there is no other way?"

"Then I'll take what I can get." Alex lifted her chin. "What about you? If you couldn’t touch Wren… Would any of you give up the love of your life if you couldn't touch them? If all you could do was talk and laugh and cry together?"

The couples exchanged glances.

"She has a point," Meg said quietly.

"But what about children?" Wren asked. "A future?"

"I have a future,” Alex said defensively. “Teaching, writing, living in our home in Arizona with the love of my life. Even if he is invisible most of the time."

Shug bit his lips together and she easily read his thoughts—he didn’t think their unique situation would last long, and it pissed her off.

Spreag's form wavered slightly. "A lot of emotions in this room. I think I’ll take my leave so they can relax for a mite. But call to me and I'll return."

"You’d better.”

He glanced around him. “Dinnae fash, love. I see no light a’ waitin’.” After a slow wink, he faded completely.

“He’s gone,” she told the others. “You can relax now.”

Though her friends seemed relieved, plenty of tension remained.

Duncan scowled and cleared his throat. "There is more to discuss here."

Alexandra's heart dropped. "What?"

"Despite how wonderful it is that ye can hear and see Spreag," Duncan said carefully, "it doesnae make sense."

"What do you mean?"

"The three of us were ghosts," Wyndham added. "We know how it worked. Other than the few times Bronagh could see me, and never for more than a moment, none of us could maintain a visible form for long. Much less be heard clearly."