Griffon waited for a chance to speak and pulled Wickham aside. “I appreciate all that needs to be done here. But we’ve got to get Lennon. We can’t just leave her in Orion’s hands until all these people are sorted. And I still need your help to do it.”
Wickham conceded. “Ye’re right. Of course, ye’re right. Come.” He led Griffon to the study, where a line of men stood before the bar, waiting for another man to pour them a drink. Wickham told them to take the bottles and find the dining room. “One drink for the now. If the beasts come through our doors, we must be clear-headed. Ye can fall on the dram when ye’re safe. And ye’re not safe yet.”
The mention of beasts sobered them all instantly, and though they took the bottles with them, Wickham didn’t worry they’d be drunk off their arses anytime soon.
Kitch and Persi and Urban joined them. Brian was tasked with finding more of Moire’s prophecies, though they’d had no such luck in all their searches thus far. Ivy was handling the logistics of getting the house emptied as quickly as possible, with Rinky and Felicity’s help. So their team of six was free to go after Lennon. They only waited for Griffon, who’d sent a text to his brother, and when his phone rang, he took the call in the parlor.
A minute later, he emerged looking none too happy.
Wickham braced himself for bad news. “What is it?”
“That was Archer. He saidThe Queevnahaven’t been seen since Orion left the house. I suppose that’s what Muddy meant when he said he and Orion hadn’t left Bridie’s empty-handed. They might be old enough to have personal knowledge of the DeNoy, which would be reason enough for my sister to have dealings with them.”
“Then we will bring them back with us too.” Urban gestured vaguely at the foyer walls. “What’s four more?”
Wickham left it to Griffon. “Do you know where he would have taken Lennon?”
“I have a good idea. Muddy said Orion needed towin her over, and if he needs to impress her, he’ll take her to court. He does love to pose on the throne.”
Persi brightened. “And if he needs to win her over, it means she might be in less danger than we thought.”
“Sure,” Wickham said. “Or more…”
* * *
The benefit of Orion taking Lennon to Fairy was that Griffon could track her with the pin feather—if she still had it with her. He thought taking Persi along was a mistake, and said so, but the woman wouldn’t see reason. Obviously, she and Lennon had a deep attachment Griffon hadn’t appreciated until now. And surprisingly, even Wickham was willing to defer to her.
Still, he tried one last time to dissuade her. “We lucked out in the Embrace and never faced Orion. We can’t expect to be that fortunate again when we’re searching specifically for him.”
Persi grinned. “Relax, man. Whatever happens, you won’t be held responsible.”
“If anything happens to you? Of course I will.”
“Because Lennon will kill me.”
Kitch laughed, then sobered quickly. “He’s right. She will.”
The cry of two small children echoed down the hallway, reminding them all of the time crunch. Wickham waved for them to close ranks. “We need to go and get back as quickly as we can. All hell will break loose once we take her back. I just hope this place is empty when we return.”
Griffon was surprised. “Ivy’s found somewhere to hide two hundred people?”
“I hope they have a big house.”
The witch nodded. “A very big house. The Conrad London St. James. She cashed in on a favor. It was either the hotel or Sandringham. A dozen charter busses will arrive shortly.” He chuckled. “I cannae believe I’m sayin’ this, but…let’s go to Fairy.”
* * *
Unlike Wickham,Griffon could not will himself to other locations in the mortal realm, but Fairy was another matter. No doors were needed. But taking a handful of mortals along required a firm grip, a necessity with which the team seemed quite familiar. They locked onto each other, and onto him, as if they’d done so a hundred times before.
Privately, he was still shaken by their trip to the Embrace, still surprised he’d been allowed to leave it. Despite his promises to Lennon, to take her away with him, he’d put his chances of returning to the mortal realm at less than ten percent. And though he’d been shocked to come out alive, his beloved had been snatched away from him yet again.
Damn Orion anyway.