"What is it? Everyone all right?"She didn't sound too worried because if anything had gone wrong, she probably would have sensed it.
"We've had a pleasant surprise this morning," he told her. "And some bad news."
"Good news first, dear."
"There's a wee lassie here who was thrilled to meet my wee laddies this mornin’. And even more pleased to learn of the pond out back.”
"Fallon! You've got Fallon!"
"I do indeed. Carew handed her over...almost free and clear."
"Almost? Then what's the bad news?"
"Orion has Lennon."
"I expected as much."
"Ye did? And ye said nothin’?"
"Well, that warning on the back of the note says it all, doesn't it, dear? Be sure to ‘lock’ before the Fae find her? Means the Fae are the most dangerous to her--and the most interested."
"Aye, well, I wish I could go back to the old man and demand to know what the bloody hell is going on, but--"
"Of course! Why not go back?"
"No use. There's no telling when he changed his mind about killing the DeNoy. And I can't bloody well spend a year of my life hoping to arrive on the right date, can I, when we need her back immediately?"
"Too bad you can't open that last box. I bet he left the details in there, for the Fae King to manage."
"If we've learned anything about the boxes it’s that only the one meant to receive the contents can open each box. We searched the second box with a fine-toothed comb. The blade that cut Lennon's hand is well and truly gone. I have to allow that she hadn't known the box was for her. And Flann insists her shock was real. She couldnae have known who she was."
"Of course she didn't. And you're right. We have to get her back by hook or by crook. In the meantime, keep a close eye on Fallon until you can drain that pond. Don’t trust her out there alone.”
"Understood. And, uh…" He wanted to ask more, but he was afraid of what he might hear.
"Spit it out, dear."
"See anything ahead?"
"Because some of us are about to put our lives in the hands of a Fae. Carew has offered to take us to Moire’s Embrace, where he believes Orion is holding Lennon."
"Everly is down with morning-sickness. I've asked Ivy to stay with her."
"Wise. You shouldn't both go..."
"Then you do see something?"
The following pause chilled his blood. Finally, his sister spoke again. "Where you go, we cannot see."
"Then it's just a wise move, to not put both parents in danger."
"Exactly right." Lorraine then made an excuse to end the call.
Wickham assured himself that if his sisters knew he was headed for doom, they would tell him.