“Lennon, but you can call me DeNoy.”

“And ye admit it?” She had an ugly laugh that faded as her gaze raked over my dress. “No wonder Griffon left ye at the altar. Or was it someone else who couldnae stand the thought of beddin’ a beastie?”

A smile spread across my face. She didn’t have a clue what a DeNoy was. And she was only guessing about Griffon. Hoping.

“There you go again, Lettuce,” I said, “speaking of things you don’t understand.”

Her jaw popped. “Letitia.”

Griffon had shut her up the same way at the wake, and she didn’t like it any better this time. But she cheered instantly when Orion appeared beside her, her short dull friend at his side. The woman’s expressive eyes danced with delight while she waited for me to realize my fate. When I greeted her “king” with just a lift of my chin, her mouth fell open.

Orion’s smile was genuine. “Delighted to see you again, my dear.”

Feathers turned to him, thinking he was talking to her. Again, her face fell.

“Hello,” I said, and waved a few fingers.


I shrugged my bare shoulder. “I was hoping for some privacy. I’m not in the mood for company, obviously.”

Letitia couldn’t get her jaw off the ground. Orion bit his lip, trying not to smile too big. But I knew how happy he was to see me. He thought he’d won the lottery. But he was wrong.

“How do you know this place?”

“Griffon brought me here. But I won’t talk about him. It’s the only place in Fairy I knew, except for your empty throne room. And that’s too cold.”

“Too cold? For a DeNoy?”

I laughed, busted. “You’re right. It wouldn’t be too cold now.”

“So, when you were here before, you—”

“Unlocked. Yes. Iwas.” I turned slightly so he got a good look at my armband.

Orion’s eyes turned black, proving he was furious I’d been able to fool him. But his smile lingered. “So. Tell me. Is my court truly too small?”

He was asking how big my dragon was. Since it was only a matter of time before he saw her, I shook my head. “Turns out, it was just about right.”

He inclined his head. “Then I extend an invitation to you both, as soon as you have finished moping.”

“I’m not moping. I just… Okay, I was moping. But I did intend to find you.”

“Rather convenient, since I’ve been searching the world for Lennon Todd. But do tell me what I can do for you. And then I’ll finally have that chance to explain whatyoucan do forme.”

“Deal,” I said, then glanced at Feathers. “Don’t let us keep you…”

Orion waved his hand and she disappeared. I nodded at the short guy and Orion got rid of him too.

I patted the grass beside me. “Wanna sit?”

“I’d rather not.”

“Suit yourself. I wanted to find you because I really believe I can talk you out of ending the world.”

“Ending the world?” He looked genuinely confused. “Who told you I would end the world? Your witch friends?”

“Well, The Covenant said—”