Page 20 of Dead Perfect

He walked the streets until the stars began to fade and then he found a deserted stretch of ground. He stood there, staring up at the sky, until a familiar tingle spread through his body, warning him of dawn’s approach. With a sigh, he burrowed deep into the earth as the first hint of the sun’s golden light heralded the dawn of a new day.

Chapter Ten

It was late afternoon when Shannah woke. She stayed in bed for several minutes, enjoying the luxury of having nothing to do. Luxury. It was something that had been sorely missing from her life until she met Ronan. Now it seemed as if her every wish had been granted. Her health was good. She had more clothes, and better clothes, than she had ever had before. She was in a posh room in a swanky hotel. She had cash in her wallet, given to her by a handsome man, and a whole day to do just as she pleased. It reminded her of the movie Pretty Woman. Ronan was Richard Gere and she was Julia Roberts.

Rising, she called room service and ordered breakfast. She took a long shower, washed her hair, then wrapped up in one of the fluffy hotel robes. She ate quickly, dressed, and called for a cab.

It was waiting for her when she went downstairs. Slipping on her sunglasses, she left the hotel.

She spent the day doing her best Julia Roberts impersonation. She went to an exclusive Beverly Hills salon and had a manicure and a facial, and then she spent several hours exploring the chic dress shops on Rodeo Drive. She bought two dresses, a gauzy white skirt and a peasant blouse, a gray cashmere sweater, and three pairs of shoes. Passing a men’s shop, she went inside and bought a tie (black, of course) for Ronan. She didn’t know him well enough, or have nerve enough, to be wearing nothing but the tie ala Julie Roberts’s character when she saw him in the hotel that night, but it made her feel daring to buy it just the same.

The book signing was scheduled for eight p.m. At five, she returned to the hotel and ordered a lobster dinner with all the trimmings, only to find that she was too nervous to eat it.

She had just finished dressing when there was a knock on the connecting door.

She had tried it earlier, only to find it locked from Ronan’s side. It opened now, revealing Ronan clad in a pair of black trousers, a white shirt open at the throat, and a black silk jacket.

“Lordy,” she murmured, “you look good enough to eat.”

His gaze moved over her. “As do you.”

“Here,” she said, handing him a long, narrow box, “I bought you a present.”

He lifted one brow as he took the box from her hand and lifted the lid. A slow smile curved his lips as he withdrew the tie. It was black, with a tiny wolf’s head embroidered in silver near the bottom.

“I don’t know why, but it reminded me of you,” she said. “Do you like it?”

“Very much.”

“You don’t have to wear it,” she said as he slipped it around his neck. “I just wanted to buy you something.”

“But I want to wear it.” He couldn’t remember the last time he had received a gift. The fact that it was from Shannah made it all the more special. “How does it look?”

“Perfect,” she said.Just like you.

Drawing her into his arms, he kissed her cheek. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” She looked up at him. “I’m so nervous. I don’t think I can do this. I’ve forgotten everything you told me, everything I memorized.” She tapped her forehead with her fingertip. “Poof! Just like that, it’s gone.”

He laughed softly. “It will all come back to you, trust me.”

“What if it doesn’t?”

“You’re not there to answer a lot of questions. Just to sign books.”

“But people are sure to ask me…”

“Shannah.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and gazed deeply into her eyes. “Relax, Shannah. You’ll be fine. I’ll be there with you. There’s nothing to worry about. They’re going to love you.”

She stared up at him, mesmerized by the intensity of his gaze, calmed by the tone of his voice and his words of assurance. He was right, of course. She had nothing to worry about. She knew all the answers. She had read his books. She was ready.

“Shall we go?” he asked.

“Might as well,” she said, grinning, “since we’re all dressed up.”

They took a taxi to the bookstore.

The manager came forward to greet them. “I’m Blanche DeVries,” she said, offering her hand to Shannah. “And you must be Eva Black.”

“Yes. And this is my…this is Ronan.”

The manager’s smile widened as she shook his hand. “I’m pleased to meet you, Mr. Ronan.”

“The pleasure is mine,” he said, bowing over her hand.

Blanche DeVries blushed to the roots of her dyed red hair. “If you’ll follow me, we’ve set up a table back here.”

Shannah followed the woman to a table that had been set up in the middle of the store near the romance section. Ronan’s latest novel was available, as well as several of his older books.

There was a small vase of flowers on a long cloth-covered table, as well as a water glass and bottle of Perrier. Stacks of his current book were arranged at the end of the table. Another, smaller table held soft drinks, a plate of cookies, a coffee urn, Styrofoam cups, and a bowl of mints.

“We’re so happy you could make it,” the manager said as Shannah took her seat. “Is there anything I can get for you?”

“No, thank you.”

“Mr. Ronan, can I get you a chair or a cup of coffee, or anything?”

“No, thank you.”

“Well, I think we’re all set then,” Blanche said. “If you need anything, just let me know.”

“I will, thank you,” Shannah replied. She watched the manager walk away, then looked at Ronan, one brow arched. “You just can’t help yourself, can you?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You know what I mean. You had her eating out of your hand.”

“Oh, that.” He shrugged. “It’s nothing.”

Shannah grunted softly. She didn’t know whatit was, but it was definitely something!

At five minutes to seven, there were a dozen women lined up in front of the table, all waiting to get Eva Black’s autograph.

It was a heady experience. Shannah signed new books, as well as older books that readers had brought with them in shopping bags. She listened as they praised her writing and her characters and gushed over her heroes. They asked when her next book would be coming out, begged her to tell them what it was about, or at least give them a hint. Was the hero from the last book in it? Did she plan to do a sequel sometime in the near future?