Kitch and Wickham accompanied him to the shops, a scouting party in search of rations. He welcomed the chance to niggle more information out of Wickham.
As soon as they passed The World's End and were accosted by the smell of fried foods, Kitch piped up. "Oy, what's on the menu?"
Urban shrugged. "Any party larger than four, she makes the same thing."
"Tacos," the other two said in unison. Even Wickham knew Everly that well.
Kitch grinned. "Tacos means no man will starve."
"Speaking of starving," Wickham said, waiting for them all to move closer to hear him. "Lennon has been struggling for a good while. If she eats more than is seemly, try not to notice."
"Aye, ye mentioned it once before. Said she didnae complain when she was starvin'."
"She was scrapin' by, tryin’ to pay off bills so she could move on to a better life."
"We could help with that--"
"Already done. The woman is free to do as she pleases. I only hope it pleases her to stay with us."
“But ye’ve already said it is too late for her to change her mind.”
“And I hope she goes right on believin’ it.”
“Ye’re certain she’s necessary?”
Wickham nodded emphatically. “Aye. The old man said she was vital and, other than the bloody Covenant, he stressed nothing else as much.”
“Vital.” Kitch nodded. “Means lives are at stake.”
Urban reckoned the same. “So we’d best guard her with ours.”
I slept for three hours!
Horrified that I had left my hosts waiting on me, I jumped out of bed, straightened the blanket, and ran a brush through my hair before emerging. No one noticed when I ducked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth.
I was ready to apologize when I stepped out again, but I didn't dare. The living room was full of people, but it was as silent as the cafe had been when Wickham froze everyone. This time, however, everyone moved normally.
A table had been assembled down the center of the floor. Bowls were passed quietly, though I heard the regular tapping of utensils. Urban glanced up from the far end of the room, saw me, and closed his eyes for a second. "God’s eyes, she’s awake."
All heads turned and even the newcomer smiled. "Thank God," he said, just before laughter erupted around the table. The men got to their feet and waited for me to take the empty chair in front of me, and I realized they’d been eating silently for fear of waking me. I couldn't remember when anyone had been so considerate, and it brought tears to my eyes.
Wickham noticed and started to stand again, but I shook my head. "I'm all right. Just a little weepy for some reason. You’re all so thoughtful."
Urban rolled his eyes. "Thoughtful as pigs. Forgive us, Miss Todd, for not waiting.”
"I'm glad you didn't. I'm sorry I slept so long."
"Nae harm done and not a pound lost," Wickham said, then passed me a plate of fresh tortillas. "Tacos.” He gestured to the bowls of cheese, lettuce, and ground beef as if he thought I wouldn’t recognize them.
Everly grinned. "She knows what they are. This is bangers and mash to Americans. Always a standby."
The new arrival introduced himself as Dominic Kitchens. I was invited to call him Kitch. No one bothered explaining his role in the group. His black-on-black security outfit told me nothing, but I supposed he was just another Fairy Hunter like the rest of us.
His eyes were dark, as was wavy hair that covered his ears and reached his collar, but compared to the other two, it might as well be a high and tight military cut. He had a beauty mark on his left cheek that distracted me each time he spoke.
His smile was honest, his general character that of a tease, but there was something behind his eyes that hinted at serious danger. No nonsense kind of danger. Like he’d cut your throat and not lose a step if the occasion called for it.