“I’m sure going to miss flying business class,” he said as they disembarked on Ilha Grande. Bella’s bag was slung over his shoulder, but she insisted on using her crutches to walk to immigration, even when the airport staff offered to take her in a golf cart. “Did you get an upgrade too?”
“I think they saw the crutches.”
Alvaro Brown International Airport—named after the prime minister who’d spearheaded the project—was tiny compared to the other airports they’d travelled throughtoday. Just one terminal, and clearing customs and immigration was still a manual process. Cole caught sight of Bella’s passport as she handed it over. Her full name was Anabella Jersey Knight, and her birthday was November twenty-third. She’d been born in Maryland. Had she lived there for long? She’d never once mentioned it.
“I have two bags,” she said when they reached the baggage conveyor. “A suitcase plus my scuba gear.”
“You dive?” She hadn’t mentioned that either.
“I did a PADI course on vacation four or five years ago. A friend said he’d buddy up with me in Miami, but it turned out he was in on the conspiracy.”
“He? Marcel?” She’d been jealous earlier when Cole mentioned Frankie—he was sure he hadn’t imagined that—and the irony wasn’t lost on him that the tables had turned.
“Chase. Also gay.”
Thank the heavens above.
“If you want to dive, I can buddy with you. No pressure though.”
It wasn’t an outright “no.” He had to take hope from that.
Frankie was waiting in the arrivals hall, coffee in hand, and she ran to crush him in a hug.
“How was your flight? You look so freaking pale. What’s happening with the hotel? Wait, wait, ohmigosh, you brought a girlfriend with you?” She smacked him on the shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Frankie turned herattention to Bella and threw her arms around her too. “Hi, hi, I’m Frankie.”
Bella wasn’t a hugger, Cole had worked out that much, but she looked shocked rather than angry.
“Oh, that’s such a pretty name. How long have you been seeing Cole? He’s such a sweetheart, isn’t he? I can’t believe he didn’t tell me you were coming. I booked a table at the Sandbar Supper Club, but I can tell them we’ll be four rather than three. What happened to your leg?”
Maybe he should have warned Bella that Frankie never stopped talking, but if he had, she would have stayed in Miami for sure.
“Frankie…” He made a “tone it down” motion with one hand. “It’s been a long trip.”
“Sorry, sorry.” And to Bella, “He says I talk too much.”
“I can’t imagine why.”
“Oh, you’re so funny. We’ll drop your stuff off at my place, and I guess you’ll want to freshen up. Then we can collect Toni and hit the town.”
“Toni is Frankie’s girlfriend,” Cole explained. “Antonia.”
“She’s bi?” Bella whispered, but Frankie heard her.
“Totally. Why limit myself to one gender when I can have both? How about you?”
Bella’s eyes widened. “Am I bi?”
“Are you?”
“No, not really.”