Did you send me through secondary screening???
I actually do feel slightly bad about that part.
I will hunt you down. I will hunt you down and force-feed you dry crackers until you choke on the soggy crumbs.
Gotta catch me first. Enjoy San Gallicano.
San Gallicano? What the hell?
A notification popped up on my phone, and it was another boarding pass. Dry crackers were too good for Echo.
What if I’d checked a gun? Then what?
Well, did you?
A flight attendant appeared next to me, took one look at my scowl, and moved back a foot. “Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to turn off your phone or put it in airplane mode.”
It’s not her fault, it’s not her fault, it’s not her fault.
I took a deep breath and imagined I was a sniper on a hill. Still. Quiet. Focused.
“Of course.”
Just before I did as asked, a message from Tulsa appeared.
I put two hundred condoms in the side pocket of your suitcase. Thank me later. P.S. I’m wearing body armour.
She was. She’d even sent a picture. Now there were officially two people on my shitlist, probably three because I couldn’t imagine Dice didn’t know about this. And they’d probably told Priest. The whole damn world was conspiring against me.
Finally, I leaned back and closed my eyes. “Hi.”
“Are you okay?” Cole asked.
“You didn’t know I was going to be here, did you?”
“I didn’t know I was going to be here either. I thought I booked coach, but there was some kind of mix-up and I ended up in business class.”
Echo again. She had tentacles in every system she thought might be useful someday, and her idea of a good time was sending out phishing emails. Usually, that was a good thing, but today, not so much.
“Enjoy the free wine. I know I’m going to.”