“Really?” He tilted the joystick in the centre of the control panel, and theTide Podheaded for the seagrass. “Hundreds of them? Then hopefully we’ll get lucky. I don’t suppose we’ll spot any sea slugs, though. This craft is terrific for seeing the bigger picture, but you can’t get up close to study the small things. I miss checking out the nooks and crannies in a reef wall.”

“But you can go deeper in this thing.”

“With underwater research, deeper isn’t always better. Most of the good stuff is found near the surface, closer to the sunlight. If the doctors said I could go back to regular diving, I’d strap on my BCD in a heartbeat.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I glimpsed a silhouette above us, kicking strongly. The boys had followed us into the water. Witt? I thought it was Witt, but the sand was stirred up over there—did he have problems maintaining buoyancy? No way would he have made a Navy SEAL. I watched until he disappeared out of sight behind a lumpyrock formation and then turned my attention back to the seagrass we were approaching.

“There are your conchs,” Dr. Blaylock said, pointing to shells among the sand-covered greenery. “See?”

I did, but they really weren’t that interesting. Just pretty shells lying on the seabed. The turtle swimming slowly in the background was more entertaining. Almost graceful in the way it moved through the water. Maybe in the future, I should make more time to dive recreationally? Vacations hadn’t ever been important to me, but this trip had been an eye-opener in so many ways.

Diving in theTide Podwas wonderfully civilised—no salt-tangled hair; no red marks from my face mask; no oversized, borrowed fin wedged on over my cast; no immersion diuresis making me pee in my wetsuit. But ultimately, I missed the freedom of scuba. We saw a nurse shark, but it was like watching on TV rather than experiencing the proximity for myself. I understood why Dr. Blaylock missed his BCD.

If I lost something I loved, nothing would compensate.

The stars were bright tonight.

There was no light pollution in the middle of nowhere, and the constellations reflected in Cole’s eyes as I straddled him.

The others had retired to bed after dinner, but we’d headed up to the sundeck instead. The days were ticking down, and although we hadn’t put our feelings into words, neither of us wanted to waste any of our time together.

Which was why I’d shucked my shorts, pushed my bikini bottoms to the side, and taken a ride on my favourite part of his anatomy. Echo probably had eyes on us, but itwas dark. Even the best spy satellites couldn’t see well at night. She might get a grainy blob if she was lucky. Yes, I’d forgiven her for sending me on this trip now, but I was absolutely going to let her stew.

“Are you close?” Cole groaned.


Sex was about more than orgasms now. We were so damn comfortable with each other’s bodies. But I’d been holding back, edging for the win. I was teetering on the flickering precipice. Instead of falling, I leaned forward, resting my hand on Cole’s collarbone, applying enough pressure that he understood. I wanted him to feel what I did.

“Do it.”

“You sure?” I whispered.

“I trust you.”

He trusted me, but he didn’t know me. I’d lost count of the number of lives I’d taken, but for the first time in my life, I felt real all-consuming guilt. My instincts screamed at me to leave, but I was a fucking professional and I never, ever quit.

I slid my hand forward and squeezed, locking my regrets away as I let the orgasm consume me. Cole followed as I clenched around him, and I shifted my hand to his mouth an instant before he cried out. We didn’t need a damn audience.

I took my hand away.

“I lo—” he started.

I put my hand back.

“Don’t,” I warned. “Don’t do it. I’ll come see you in Vegas if that’s what you want, but don’t you dare tell me you love me.”

He smiled under my fingers, and I rocked back, ready to take further measures if necessary.

“Can I tell you that I like you?”

“If you must.”

“I’ve never come so hard before. My legs are shaking.”

“I know.”

He reached up and cupped my cheek with a hand. “I’m glad you picked me up in the bar that night.”