Or maybe I’d just sit here and chill.

After European diseases wiped out most of the indigenous people, the Caribbean had become a haven for pirates, buccaneers, and privateers, where the hundreds of islands and thousands of bays made perfect hiding places. The galleons carrying Spanish treasure to Madrid meant there was plenty to steal, and strongholds such as Nassau provided markets for the thieves’ ill-gotten gains. A flyer tucked in the back of the book advertised the San Gallicano National Museum, where coins and jewels recovered from pirate hordes could be seen, along with a preserved shipwreck. While some treasure had been found, billions of dollars in gold was still lying on the seabed from the Bahamas to Colombia, according to the book’s author.

Didn’t he understand the real treasure was the marine life?

I woke to the smell of smoke and a mild case of sunburn. No, the house wasn’t on fire. Cole was cooking, and he’d arranged an umbrella over me so I was in the shade. For years, I’d thought my job was everything, but I was slowly beginning to learn there was more to life than work.

Cole was teaching me.

And now he turned. “Sleep well?”

“Like the dead.”

I hadn’t even woken when he brought the umbrella, and he must have dragged the heavy base across the deck. In my normal life, that slumber could be the difference between life and death.

“You needed the rest. And you also need to wear sunscreen.”

“I forgot.” Then I smiled. “Are you gonna do my back?”

“How is that even a question? Dinner’s nearly ready—we’re having snapper with grilled pineapple and rice.”

Cole looked so much more at home here, shirtless by the sea, casual in board shorts and flip-flops. I foresaw a lot of air miles in my future.

We ate on the terrace, and Cole pulled gauzy nets across the dining area, mostly to keep any bugs out but also for privacy. There were still people walking by the lagoon as he fucked me on a sun lounger, but neither of us cared. We only had eyes for each other.

And I had a heart full of guilt.



“That’s nice equipment. Real nice.”

Bella had managed to lose her PADI card and her dive log, but she did have top-of-the-line dive gear. Her BCD was a Zeagle Ranger, and her regulator was a Mares Abyss. And her shortie wetsuit made her ass look fantastic.

“Is it?” She gave a soft giggle. “I just went into a dive store in Hawaii and the sales guy picked it out for me.”

The sales guy—who was probably on commission—had definitely taken advantage, but Cole didn’t want to make Bella feel bad by saying so. She could have bought everything she needed for recreational diving for half the price.

“It’ll be great to dive with.” Other than the fins. She’d be using one of her own plus one of his that was big enough to fit over the cast. “Do you remember how to put everything together?”

“I think so? And what’s that checklist we have to go through? BCD, weights, regulator…”

“Air, final check. Don’t worry, I’ll help you.”

She’d brought her own weights, but Cole slipped anextra kilo into the pocket of his BCD in case she needed it. Better to be a little heavy than a little light. It was easier to put extra air into your BCD than kick like crazy to submerge.

And more than anything, he wanted Bella to enjoy her stay here. They’d slept together last night, but there was something different about her. In Vegas, she’d been fire and energy, throwing her all into the two weeks they had together. Now, she was quieter. Not relaxed, more that she seemed to be pacing herself. Was she nervous about the future? He wanted to show her there was no reason to worry.

That he wasn’t the same as the man who’d hurt her in the past.

Today, he’d chosen a nice, easy dive. They’d cross the beach in front of the house, do a few practice drills in the shallows there, then swim across the lagoon and cross a saddle in the barrier reef that protected the island. The seawall beyond was teeming with life, and they were going out in the morning when the light was better.

“You’re certain that cast is waterproof?” he asked again, just to triple-check.

“The doctor said it was, and I’ve been showering in it all month.”

The logistics were a challenge. Cole steadied Bella as she hobbled down the steps, then carried her to the sea. Once she was waist-deep in the water, he returned for the equipment. Far easier for her to put it on in the sea, where Mother Nature could take some of the weight. He quickly checked her kit over before he picked it up, pleased that she’d remembered how to connect the BCD, the tank, and the regulator. Their buddy check went smoothly.