Jackson rounded up the guys for Striker, and they crept down a long hall while Whitneyprepared a group of men to provide cover fire. They were risking it all, taking a huge chance heading out to disable the missile launcher, but they didn’t have much choice. If they didn’t take down the surface to air missiles, everyone would be dead before the end of the day. His team had to make these assholes regret taking on this group of Americans even if they shouldn’t have been out here at the resort in the first place.

“Alpha one, this is alpha two, heading out,” Striker said.

The pop-pop of gunfire erupted, and he motioned for his team to follow. They made it across the lawn to another building before they encountered anyone. Rand took him down fast and they moved closer to Bishop.

The building Bishop was near had already taken heavy fire and was missing its roof. They were in a terrible position and were pinned in on two sides. Now, they were taking fire again. Striker’s crew set up and took out four of the men aiming to destroy Bishop’s group.

“Move closer?” Jackson asked.

“Yeah, we should have a better angle on them.” Striker didn’t want to end up being trapped here, so they stalked around the back of another building before they moved into position. He was about to rush forward when someone fired a rocket-propelled grenade at the building where Bishopand his crew were pinned in. Panic flashed, but he had to push it away and focus. The secondary explosion knocked him back on his ass.

“Fuck, what was that?” Whitney said in his ear.

“RPG directed at Bishop,” Jackson replied.

Striker took aim, firing twice, taking out the guy with the RPG. He moved forward, getting closer to the building that was now up in flames.

“Bishop, you in there?” Jackson called out.

“Sure am,” Bishop replied. “We have injured.”

Striker was about to move when two guys stepped around a building. He fired, taking one down. Then Rand took out the other guy. In minutes, the two new combatants were dead and they were clear to move to Bishop.

Striker entered the building where Bishop and his crew were. They’d been hit hard. No one was dead, but they were all injured. Ben bent down and picked up the worst injured of Bishop’s men, carrying him out of the burning building.

Bishop and his team followed, limping a little as they moved at a snail’s pace to position themselves behind another building. Ben placed the man on the ground and checked him before standing tall.

Striker clenched his teeth and stared around at the guys, sending a prayer up to God or whoever was listening. They needed a break. This wasn’t how their mission should be going. Everythingabout this was screwed up. Their plans had been shot to hell.

Suddenly they were surrounded. Striker had little time to think. Bullets flew past, hitting the trees behind him. Bark exploded as the zing of rifle fire whizzed by.

Curse words filled his mind, but nothing escaped his lips. The only thing that mattered was getting out of here. Jackson moved first and kicked in the door of a building beside them. They rushed in and took up positions at the windows. He freaking hated being trapped in a building with little defensive advantage. His palms were damp with sweat, and his brain buzzed. Training took over, and he moved automatically into position, firing at the enemy.

They were smarter and better than this group attacking them. The other people may have the home field advantage, but Striker and his team would win.

It took them more than three hours to pick off enough of the enemy to move out. It was grueling work, but they took the time to treat their injured.

Jackson waved Striker over as he talked to Bishop. “We can’t move forward with your injured men.”

Bishop glanced around, resignation on his face. “We’ll stay behind.”

“Thank you,” Striker said. He made sureBishop and his men had guns and ammunition. Striker hated leaving them, but he had little choice in the matter. Maybe they should have taken out the SAMs first, but then Bishop and his guys would be dead.

Striker and Jackson along with Ben, Brady, and Rand headed out. They moved slowly through the underbrush and past a stream. The sun was about to come up, exposing them to the enemy. They would have to find a protected place to hunker down for the day.

About that time Whitney spoke over his communication system. “It’s getting late. That sun will be showing everyone where you are.”

Striker knew Whitney was right, heck, he’d just been thinking the same thing. The need to move forward still drove him. “I know, but we need to take out that site.”

“Find a place to lay low for a few hours and rest,” Whitney said.

“Will do, boss. Any chance of them sending more in to help?”

“No can do. We have to take out that missile site. Once it’s gone, they’ll send a bird in.”

He knew a rescue was too much to hope for. After a few minutes of searching, they found a stone barn to hide in. Protected from the heat, and their enemies, they took turns sleeping and taking watch.

His stomach grumbled after he woke, and he consumed two packs of MREs, all the while wishing he was home with Shannon. She had wrapped his heart around her fingers and pulled the strings, not in an evil way, and he doubted she even noticed, but he was all tied up in her. She occupied a huge space in his mind. It was weird how before her, he’d been happy, but now that he knew she existed, he had to have her. She was the reason to exist.