The bell above the front door chimes and I hold up my hand.
“I’ll take it.” Time to put my business hat on and practice charming a customer in preparation for tomorrow.
“Here you go,” I hold out a bag with a croissant and a takeaway cup with tea to Kurt, who is studying the list of participants.
“Thanks, man,” he still has a slight Germanic accent but it’s by far less noticeable now than when he started with me two years ago.
“No problem. And Hannah told you why I’m here?”
“Schmoozing some internet celebrity,” he grins.
“Kind of. What route are you taking today?” There are three options for canyoning close to Fellside and which one we use usually depends on the water level and general conditions. Too much water is too dangerous, not enough makes for a boring tour.
“Church Beck. I went with friends yesterday and the conditions are good. Also heard that Stocky’s team is taking his group to Esk Gorge, so we want to avoid that.”
Stocky is the owner of the second outdoor company in the area and naturally we are in competition with them. When we have a busy summer, there is more than enough business for both of us, but when it is quieter, like this year, it does become a fierce competition. It also doesn’t help that Stocky and I were rivals when we took part in paragliding competitions.
“Sounds good,” I nod as a car pulls into the car park. We’ll meet all ten participants here, get them fitted out with wetsuits and then drive them to the start point by minibus. One of Kurt’s mates will stay with the bus and follow us on the road down to the finish to collect everyone again.
Kurt and I spend the next thirty minutes kitting everyone out—well, the nine participants that arrived on time. There is no sign of Keeley and her lateness irks me. I glance at my watch again. It’s twenty past ten, she was supposed to be there by ten at the latest.
The last member of the group steps out from the changing room in her wetsuit and hands me a backpack with her change of clothes and what not. We tend to get changed into wetsuits here, just because it is easier than up in the hills. The woman scrambles into the bus and we’re ready to leave.
“So where is your VIP?” Kurt steps up to me.
“Maybe I don’t need to come alo—”
“Sorry, sorry, sorry!” Keeley shouts as she runs into the car park. She stops next to me and bends forward, propping herself up on her knees, desperately trying to suck in some air.
“Bus… didn’t… turn… up,” she pants.
“Did you run here from Greenview?”
Keeley straightens up and stares at me. “Of course not, don’t be ridiculous.”
“I was about to say, respect. I’m Kurt,” he holds out a hand to her.
“Hi,” she grins. There is a little pearl of sweat on her forehead and I’d like to wipe it away.Get a grip! She’s a customer!
“Well, we’re ready to leave so we better get you a wetsuit,” Kurt winks at Keeley.
“I’ll take her,” I place my hand on her back and gently guide her towards the garage.
“Yes, boss,” Kurt calls out after us with a laugh.
“Right, you better hurry up. Are you wearing a swimsuit?” I ask as we walk into the garage.
“No, do I need one?” I glance at her and there is a smirk on her face.
“Seriously? We’re already late. You’re not the only one who has paid for this trip,” I try not to sound cross.
“Jeez, you really can’t take a joke. Yes, I’m wearing a one piece and I’m a size twelve,” she throws back at me. She is quite tall—five foot nine at a guess—so I search through the rack and find a size Medium Tall.
I hold out the suit and she takes it from me without another word.
“Changing room is there,” I point towards the back.
Keeley heads towards the small cubicle. Before she pulls the curtain close, she turns towards me.