As we come down from our euphoric high I gently pull out and hold Sheila in my arms. We stand there in silence for a few moments just enjoying the intimacy of our embrace.
"Thank you," she whispers against my chest, her voice filled with genuine gratitude.
I press a kiss to the top of her head and smile. "No need to thank me," I say softly. "I'm here for you,angel."
I yawn as I shuffle into the small station kitchen. It’s ten to midnight, time for my milk and biscuits. It’s become such a routine that my body knows it’s time to go to bed afterwards. We just got back from a gruesome car accident so we can all do with an easy night and I just hope there won’t be an alarm
“Hope you cleaned that desk, Josh,” Oakley sniggers as he joins me in the kitchen.
“What do you mean?” I ask innocently, but I know exactly what he means. Of course, the guys aren’t stupid and realised what Sheila and I were doing. It’ll be all round the station by tomorrow, but we’re gossips not grasses so I’m not worried about the bosses hearing about it.
“You keep your secrets. We’re all glad you finally made a move but please tell me you cleaned the desk.”
“Thoroughly, with anti-bac stuff,” I reply with a grin. Might as well be honest.
Oak is about to reply when my phone rings, Sheila’s name on the screen.
“Hey, angel,” I greet her and ignore Oakley miming a swoon.
“Josh, he’s gone.” She sounds distressed.
“Sheila, calm down. Tell me what happened.” Oak gives me a worried look.
“When I got home, Gregory was having an argument with Nicholas because he wanted to go to some party hosted by someone we’ve never met so we said no. Gee went to bed and Nicholas left”.
Not good, so not good.
“I went upstairs half an hour ago to try and have a chat if he’d still been up and his room’s empty. I’ve called his friend’s parents but none of them know where he is. Oneof the kids said that he has new friends from the local college, but that’s all he knew!”
“Sheila, listen to me. What do you know about the party?” I ask looking for clues.
“He… he said something about it being outdoors and that it had to be tonight because the weather forecast was good. Some rave in the woods or something.”
“Okay, let me call the police and see if they’ve had any noise complaints. The kids wouldn’t go that far into the woods if they have to carry music equipment and stuff, and you know the people around here. Any noise after sunset will be reported. Stay put and I’ll call you back. Have you told Nicholas?”
“No, I’ll call him now,” she whispers.
“Okay, do that, and I’ll call you back as soon as I know something,” I promise and I just hope I’m not promising too much. Fellside is small, but surrounded by woods so they could be anywhere.
“He might be on the way home,” Oakley replies calmly.He’s right, fuck, I let myself get sucked into Sheila’s panic.There’s no reason to assume that he’s in any danger. He might just be getting drunk or high at a party. Not great, but not necessarily dangerous.
My firefighter brain tells me that and my rational thinking agrees, but my gut feeling is that we need to find him.
Chapter 11
I’ve been pacing myliving room for the last forty minutes, since I ended the call with Nicolas and Peter. I haven’t heard from Josh and Gregory is still not answering his phone. I try to stay rational but the feeling that something has happened won’t go away.
My phone rings and I almost trip in my rush to pick it up.
“Josh,” I call out when I answer it.
“Angel, you need to calm down a little. Take a deep breath for me please.”
“Josh—” I want to object but he interrupts me.
“No, take a deep breath.” There is no arguing with him and I do as I’m told. “And another,” he orders and it feels like I am breathing for the first time in hours.