Page 19 of Fierce Family

“I know but Sheila, admit it, what we have had over the last few weeks is much more than just friends with benefits. We talk and text almost every day and whenever we hook up it’s not just a shag and job done. I’ve learned so much about you in the last few weeks, and all I know is that I want more. I want as much time with you as I can get and I want to be part of your life, and that includes meeting the boys.” His cheeky, boyish grin has disappeared and he is dead serious. I should be pushing back but, somehow, his words make me feel all gooey and I don’t want to fight it any longer.

Surely, the boys will understand. They’re not little children anymore and they have no problem with Nicholas having a significant other.

I lean against Josh’s chest.

“I’m scared,” I whisper.

“Scared of what?”

“Of upsetting the boys. Of getting it wrong. Of allowing you in and losing you when you see what chaos my life is.”

Josh cups my chin and makes me look at him.

“It’ll be new for them, given that you’ve lived the life of a nun,” he chuckles. “We have to allow some time for it to settle down. Let’s give them, and us, a chance. I’ll promise you I’ll back off if me being around still causes issues in a few weeks.”

“I’m so nervous,” I sigh and clamber from the bed. We get dressed in silence before headingdownstairs.

The voice of the football commentator from the TV is the only noise in the house. When Josh and I step into the living room, Kieran gives me a big grin. Gregory, on the other hand, barely looks up from his mobile where he is furiously typing. Josh places his hand gently on my back to tell me that he is with me.

“Kieran, Gre… Gee, you have both met Josh before. Josh and I have been spending some time together and are… kind of, well, we are dating.”

Gregory’s eyes narrow as he studies first me and then homes in on Josh. I glance at Josh and he is steadfast in his eye contact with Gee.

“We have been seeing each other for a while, but we feel it is time that Josh spends some time with the whole family.”

“That’s cool. Maybe he can make us that cake he baked for the Scouts. I barely got any,” Kieran grins.

“See, someone who values my cooking,” Josh chuckles. My eyes are still focused on Gregory. Something is brewing inside of him.

“Now we’ve met him—not that we haven’t before—can I go?” he challenges me.

“I said you’re staying at home today.”

“Why?” he pushes back.

“Because you have school tomorrow and you’ve already been out twice this week, and I would like us to have dinner together,” I argue back.

“Wait, just because you’ve shagged a guy, we now have to play happy family? I have a girlfriend too, you know,” he shouts. I’m speechless for a minute because he’s never spoken to me like this before.

“Josh, maybe you should leave,” I turn and see his face fall.


“Please. I don’t need this now as well. Let me deal with my boys, I’ll call you.” I step away from his embrace and towards the door. From the corner of my eye I notice Gregory getting up from his chair.

“You, stay!” I point at him before following Josh to the door.

“Let me be here for you,” he pleads and there is pain and fear on his face.

“This is why I didn’t think it was a good idea.”

“Give him time,” he replies stubbornly.


He presses a kiss on my lips and doesn’t let me finish the sentence.

“No, Sheila. Don’t say anything now that will hurt us both. I’ll go and let you deal with your sons and then we’ll talk.”