“Josh!” I gently try to shake him awake. He stirs and a smile appears on his lips.
“Is it time for some fun now?” he chuckles when he opens his eyes fully and pulls me back into his arms turning us so he lands on top of me.
“No,” I hiss, “the boys are back!”
“Oh shit,” he breathes out.
Why did I not set the sodding alarm clock??
“Mum?” Gregory’s voice is right outside the bedroom door.
“I’ll be down in a minute, honey,” I call out and, in my panic, throw the duvet over Josh. Muffled laughter tells me that he finds it highly amusing and I smack him through the duvet.
“Stop it,” I hiss again.
“Kieran’s hungry and I’m heading out again,” Gregory shouts through the door.
“No, wait!” I exclaim and race to the bedroom door. I peer through a gap out into the corridor. Gregory isleaning against the opposite wall, his arms crossed in front of his chest, and studies me.
“Were you sleeping?”
“Yes, it was a late night yesterday,” I stutter.
“Alone?” He looks pissed off.
“What?” I squeak, my voice an octave higher than usual.
“Well, there are men’s boots downstairs and a man’s trousers on the chair.” He points behind me. I made sure that the bed is out of view but missed the chair and clothes.
“I’m not going to discuss this here in the corridor. Go downstairs, give Kieran some fruit and I’ll be down in a minute and we can have a chat,” I suggest.
“I’m going out. Don’t have time for a family meeting,” he replies stubbornly.
“It’s a school night and how about asking for permission first? Where are you going?”
“You’ve said this much. Can I have more details please?”
“Just meeting some mates from school,” he shrugs like it’s not a big deal but avoids my gaze all the same.
“Not today—”
“But mu—”
“No, Gregory, not today. Let’s have a family dinner.”
He wants to say so much more to me but instead he just pushes off the wall angrily and heads for the stairs without another word.
I sigh and return to the bedroom.
“So, I guess we’re finally making it official?” Josh is sitting on the bed with a big grin on his face.
“Not sure I share your enthusiasm. Tell me what I should say to them. ‘Hey, boys, meet mummy’s shag buddy’?”I drop onto the mattress next to him. Josh slides his arm around my waist and pulls me closer.
“How about, ‘boys, this is my boyfriend’?” He kisses my neck. Not fair, he knows that is my kryptonite.
“Josh, we talked about this—”