“No, I don’t.” I stepped toward her and turned her, so she was looking at me. I grabbed her and hugged her. “You will have a reason to be around. You are my friend, and that will not end because my curse does.”

Della was crying silently as she held onto me. Her heart was beating rapidly as she pulled back.

“I came to tell you that your bloodstone cannot leave your father’s castle unless you take it. So, wherever it is, it is here. Let's find it. I want to help. I’m surprised that your darkness can’t feel its power.” Della seemed to be thinking of something when her face broke into a smile. “Use your illusion magic. Turn into Gwyn or someone and ask your father about it; even if he refuses to tell you, he will likely think about it, and you can hear it with your mind reading.”

“Can I make myself someone else?”

"Yes,” she chewed on her bottom lip. “I’ve seen someone do it recently. Try it.” My eyes narrowed on her because she seemed suspicious.

“I thought your tongue was tied with magic.”

“It is, but I haven’t actually told you anything that you didn’t already know. Besides, I’m looking forward to watching you fulfill your prophecy.” A wicked smile took over her face.

A noise in the woods had both of us freezing in our spots. A moment later, Cerithian guards emerged from the tree line. They drew their weapons at me; Della was standing next to me, but I knew they couldn’t see her.

“Don’t move.”

“What are you guys doing?” I demanded an answer.

“You need to come back to the castle.”

I glanced at Della; something was wrong. She followed me as the guards refused to lower their weapons. I didn’t bother demanding any more answers. Something felt... off with them. Della followed me silently through the woods. If something happened to me, she would tell Cassius. I was confident in that.

When we entered the castle, I expected to go into the throne room, but instead, the small group of guards led me upstairs to my room. They shoved me inside and closed the door.

“What the fuck!” I yelled when I jiggled the doorknob to find I was locked in there. A noise behind me had me quieting down. Della was next to me, not saying anything, so I wasn’t sure what to expect.

“What the fuck?” Della finally muttered. "Bayla?"

I turned toward the noise and froze. She was smiling at me with her red eyes and hair that matched mine; in fact, everything about her matched me. This was the woman I saw in my room before. Della referred to her as Bayla… the woman who sent the brown-eyed man to protect me. She was standing by my bedroom window. Bayla’s arms opened as if she expected me to go and hug her.

“Thea, darling, come hug me.” She smiled. My back hit the door behind me as I tried to get away from her. Why did she look like me? And why did I not feel safe with her? "Thea, come hug your mother," she said, irritated.

“My mother is dead.” I glanced around to find understanding but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Well, besides my dead mother trying to hug me.

Her face fell, but she stepped toward me. I grabbed my dagger and held it toward her. Something in her eyes shifted.

“I’ve come back to help you break your curse. I had not moved on to the next life yet; I didn’t want to until you regained your memories.”

Della hadn’t moved at all. I wasn’t sure if she was even breathing at this point.

“Why did my father’s guards bring me here to see you?”

My heart was pounding in my ears. This wasn’t my mother. It couldn’t be her. As much as I wanted it to be, it was impossible. My father had her killed.

“He wants you to break your curse, so he called upon my spirit to help guide you.”

Okay, lying sack of shit.

“I need to kill the Crimson bloodline. I don’t know how you can help with that.”

She took a small step forward as if it would be undetected.

“Please give me a hug.” She frowned.

“No thanks.” I stepped backward, and the image of my mother was clearly irritated. “This is not possible. My mother moved on years ago.”

Della looked at me with a look I didn’t like.